Tuesday 25 October 2016

Reading by the river

I've been reading The Monster Crisp-Guzzler by Malorie Blackman. It's a very exciting book about a teacher who shouldn't eat crisps for a very important reason ...

If you've read this book, can you tell me what you liked and disliked?


  1. I disliked the part when she was not listening because she was told not to eat the crisp but she still didn't listen and ate it then turned into a dragon.i like the part when the lady pretended to be the bus driver because it was funny

    1. What happened on the bus Tamari? Why was it so funny?

  2. I dislike when the children tells the teacher she can't eat the crisps but one other child offers her one and she turned In to a dragon. And when the head master fired her because the head master found out she was a dragon .I like when the dragon flew the girl up into the sky because it was fun to read

  3. I dislike when the teacher eats crisps and then turns into a dragon and then eats the other children's crisp and it was there pack lunch.I like about this book is that when she turns back into a human she apoligises to everyone. what I also dislike about this book is that she has a secret about she turns into a dragon but lukily they find out.

    1. Why didn't you like the fact she has a secret Liani?

  4. Liked the part when she was go to eat the crisp go. To a dragon to save the girl

  5. I Iiked when the teacher ate the whole packet of crisps for a really nice and smart reason.The little girl was drowning so the teacher turned into a dragon and flew to help her and that was really nice of her. I dislike that the Headmistress said "I'm going to exclude you " because the teacher turned into a Dragon before the girl was drowning/ before the end.

  6. I liked when the teacher turned into a dragon and she had to fly up to the roof of the classroom from the headmaster. I also thought this part of the book was really kind the teacher ate a whole packet of crisps and she turned into a dragon to save the girl.And she nearly lost her job by the children lying to the head

  7. I like the story because wen the little girl Shered. With the teacher and when the teacher terms into. A dragon but she could have been in trouble.

  8. i liked when the teacher ate a packet of crisps and turned into a dragon and saved the girl from the waves and she nearly lost her job

  9. I disliked when one of the school pupils nearly drowned in the sea because i thought that they were going to lose their life but they did not.I liked when the teacher saved the school pupil when she was about to drown on a school trip because it made me feel very happy.

    1. It was a very heroic act to save someone from drowning Maliea. Year 4, have any of you done something brave to save or help someone?

  10. i like when the teacher turned into a dragon because when she eats crisps she turned and she could fly up in the roof and i disliked when the teacher eat all the crisps.

  11. I dislike when there was a flood because one of them would have drowned and there parents would complain and the school would have been shut down and the police might even arrest the head teacher and the head mistress will starv to death

  12. I like when the teacher eats the crisp and then turns in to a dragon and she was hungry for some more crisp but the children was saying now you cant eat any more. I dislike when had master of the school was trying to get rid of the teacher because she turned in to a dragon and left the children in the class room by there self.

  13. what i liked about this story was when they thuaght that it was there last day but the princeable gave her another chance. but what i didnt like about it was when she ate a crisp knowing that she will turn into a dragon.

  14. i liked the bit when the teacher terns into a dragon because if there is a fire she can drink up water and spray out water

  15. i liked when the teacher ternd into a dragon to help the little girl because if miss godfrey could tern into a dragon to save one of her students she will. i disliked when the headteacher threted the teacher her job jest because if she eats some chrips she ternds into a drogon.

  16. T dislike wen the teacher turned into a dragon because crisps are not good for you because they make you fat

  17. I liked the part when she turned into a dragon to save the girl but she used the crips for good not becuse of hunger. the part i disliked was when the headteacher told off the teacher for useing her dragon powers again but in the end she gave her a other chanse the end

  18. I liked when the teacher magically turned into an dragon by eating crisps and saved the girl from drowning.And i dislike when the headmaster said" told you not to turn into a dragon in my school you leave me no choice but to excude you"i fownd that rude and unfair she cant help her self.

  19. I liked the part when Miss Potter eats crisps and turn into a dragon because the girl gave the teacher a crisp that's why the teacher turn into a dragon. I dislike when Miss Potter the dragon fly up to the roof and the headmaster says''where is Miss Potter nobody answered so all the children where lying to the headmaster, Miss Potter nearly lost her job.

  20. The Monster Crisp Guzzler story is about
    when a teacher eats crisps because she loves crisps so so so so much.
    But...soon the Headmistress said if you turn into a Dragon in my school again
    I will EXCLUDE YOU.

  21. T liked wen they had lunch because they eat helfy food

  22. I liked the part when Miss Potter eats crisps and turn into a dragon because everyone told the girl not to give crisps but she didn't listlen so she gave the Miss Potter, crisps that's why the teacher turn into a dragon. I dislike when Miss Potter the dragon fly up to the roof and the headmaster says''where is Miss Potter nobody answered so all the children where lying to the headmaster, Miss Potter nearly lost her job.

  23. I like when the teacher terns into a dragon because I was not exspeting that to happen. I disliked when the head teacher sees the teacher.

    1. Why didn't you like this part of the book Eve?

  24. I liked the part when the teacher gets caught flying around the classroom because she was told to not take anymore crisps or she will get sacked. I also like when they went on a trip and saves a child because it proves being a dragon
    can be helpful and useful.

    1. It was a very funny moment David!

  25. I liked when the headmistress told the teacher eat the crisps to save the little girl when she was nearly going to drown. Disliked when the teacher was nearly going to lose her job.

  26. I dislike when the new teacher gets fired because she just started in the school .

  27. I like when the hole class says yes when the teacher becomes a dragon. I dislike when teacher lost her job

  28. I dislike when miss grizzle got fired and I don't like when takes every body else's crips and then she turns into a gragon.the best part what I like is when miss grizzle came back to save the head teacher and then she gets gob back saving the head teacher.

  29. i loved when the headteacher gave the teacher another chance i disliked when the boy dropped the packed lunch in the sea apart from that its a GREAT STORY
