Tuesday 26 September 2017

Number crunching

What can you tell me about this number?
1. How can I rearrange these numbers to make it smaller? Explain what you have done.
2. How do I rearrange these numbers to make it a multiple of 5? Explain what you have done.
3. How do I rearrange these numbers to make it an odd number? Explain what you have done.


  1. this is an odd number

  2. 1. Take the numbers and order them smallest to biggest.
    2,3,5,6 is the order and then the smallest number is 2,356.

    2. You have to switch the five and the three.
    The number is now 3,625.

    3. This number is already odd because the three is at the end.

  3. I can make this number smaller by the 2 with 5 and switch the 3 with the 6.To make the number a odd you have to swap the 3 with the 5 to make it odd

  4. I can rearrange them different because if you just put the smallest number in front and put the biggest number last that will make a smaller number like this 2356 and now the number is smaller than it was before this was the number 5623 that was the big number but I made it smaller.

  5. take the first numbers and smallest.first use
    put the two second 3 third 5 four 6 answer is
    2 thousand and 345.
    you swap 3 and five it will be
    you can`t because 3 is a odd number.

  6. 1.you have to rearrange the numbers smallest to biggest. 2.is 2365 because to make multiple of you need to put the five at the end. 3.to make this an odd number you need to 3 or 6 or 5

  7. how i can make this number smaller is by putting the 2 at the end because you only look at the uinits.
    how to make it a mutiple of 5:you have to move the 5 to the end.
    this number is all ready odd but if you want to you can just move the 5 to the end.

  8. 5623

    2356 I have put the smallest number in the largest value.

    2365 This way I have made the 5 in the units column then it would be a multiple of 5.

    6235 That order would make the number odd.

  9. you get the smallest number there that is 2 and then 3 then 5 then 6 there you go i started from the smallest number and i basiccaly did smallest to biggest.
    you put the 5 last for example 6325 3625 because numbers no other mumbers ecxept 0 5 no other numbers you will never get a never get a multiple of 5.

  10. The smaller number is 2,356.This is an odd number because it ends with 3 and 3 is odd the even numbers are in the 2 times table and zero and 3 is not in the 2 times table. A even number is an number that is in the 3 times table and it is odd.

  11. You could make this number smaller by putting the smaller numbers at the beginning and the bigger numbers at the end. If you put the 5 at the end that means its a multiple of 5 or you could put 0 at the end so its a multiple of 5 or you could add the numbers up if the answer is 25 it means is a multiple of 5.

  12. you can make the number smaller like this 2356. To make it a number in the 5 times table you need to swap the 5 and the 3.

  13. You can rearrange this number to making it smaller by taking the 2 and swapping it with the 5 then it would be 2653.To rearrange this number into a odd number you could change the 3 into the 5 that would make an odd number.If you do not understand you could just leave it as it is.

  14. 1.This number is odd because because it ends in a 3 and three
    is a odd number and your supposed to look at the units column.
    2.You can rearrange this number by putting the five at the end then it will become a multiple of five.

  15. 1.you can switch the numbers around to smallest to biggest example 5623 switched into 2356.
    2.you can rearrange this number to be a multiple of five by taking the 5 and putting it in the units column.Example 6345 to be continued.

  16. By making the number to 2356 so it's smaller and making the 3 to 5

  17. Rearranging the smaller number which would be 2 with the 5 and then move the 5 into the 6's place and then it would make it 2356.
