Monday 6 February 2017

Online safety

Image result for safer internet day

This week we have been learning about how we can be safer on the internet. In particular we have been discussing the power of the image.
What are your top tips for being safe on the internet when sharing and looking at images online?


  1. you really need to be careful because of people look at it and will want to find about you. Also once it's online it's forever online.

  2. You should always ask permission before you send something on the internet

  3. Do not take a foto with your school cloths. Do not take a foto of your school logo Tell an adult befor you send the foto beacerful if the foto is real because you might copy and send any were do not send fotos to people because they might send it to any were If some one is beang mean ask an adult so your problem wouldn't get wors

  4. You should always ask permission before you send something on the internet.

    Second you might comment something rude and before someone might copy and post it again.

  5. I only go online to play games research cartoons never send a silly photo online people would see and think of you as a show off

  6. You should always ask permission before you send something on the internet

    You should never send a photo that is fake because people won't believe you

  7. Make sure the photo your sending to anyone is appropriate and if it isn't and you see it the tell an adult to help you

  8. My top tip when looking at images online is not to look at inappropriate things. Always ask an adult if you are unsure. Also Never share personal information like your address or your school uniform as someone you don't know might see it.

  9. When. You want to put yourself in Internet you should always think what yo are doing because they make fun of you.

  10. You can get it in the should know where it goes on the people phone and text messages and a lot of people say they will not let you have permission from me and your friends and family. You should always think about where the image will end up

  11. If you know your going to share a image you should probably think about it or ask for permission.if you know that you are going to share something then you should make sure that you don't put any pictures that it will effect the persons feelings

  12. My top tips for the internet is to never share your personal info such as where you live, what school you go to and your age. This sort of information give people access to you and sometimes may lead to serious incident (the police might get involved. Make sure an parent or guardian supervises you while you are online to keep you safe from internet viruses. Do not hesitate to block or report some who threatens or bullies you speak to Childline if your extremely scared

    1. And you should not share your email address on the internet

  13. My tips for being safe on the Internet are:
    1. Be careful of the type of pictures you share on the Internet because you don't want anyone knowing anything about you.
    2. Be careful of the people that you share your photos with because you never know what they might do with it
    And my last and final tip is to be careful of the apps you post your pictures on especially if they're age restricted!

  14. My top tips for being safe online:

    1. If you get ciber bullied you have to tell an adult to call the ciber police to solve the situation.
    2. Do not take a picture of you in your school uniform of else they will find out what school you go to.
    3. If you take a picture of you and your friends you have to ask them if you can post it online or they will find out how your friends look like.

  15. My top tips for being safe online

    1.Make sure you know who are seeing these pictures
    2.Make sure there are no personal info
    3.Make sure if someone ask for your number tell someone you trust.

  16. Do not share your password
    Make sure you have your adults permission before you send anything
    Don't send a photo that could tell people your personal info

  17. These are my top 3 tips on how to be safe online

    1. Never send a photo of your personal information online
    2. Make sure you dont keep in contact with someone on social media or online
    3.always be sure that you are sending things to someone you know.

  18. Don't ever tell everyone your password because they could hack your account

  19. 1.DO not send a private photo or video online
    2.Never post a serious enough matter because somthing bad could happen
