Friday, 25 May 2018

Clever Gizas

What do you think our topic will be about next term? 

How do you know?

What can you tell me about this topic?

Thursday, 24 May 2018

If pigs could fly ...

Write a story about what happened when the pigs flew into town on the following Tuesday.
Think carefully about what your story will be about. Here are some plot ideas for you to use if you are stuck.

1. The pigs could be flying into town to raid a supermarket. (How do they get in? What will they eat? Will they crash into anything in the dark? What about the security guards?)

2. They could be floating off to a party in the town park. What shops will they visit to collect supplies for their party? (They might need fireworks, clothes, musical instruments and so on.)

3. Maybe they are looking for a new place to live?

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Trotting along the Thames

Year 4 went on a trip to the River Thames to deepen their knowledge about rivers. They went to explore the muddy banks in search of artifacts from as far back as the Tudor times.

What sort of artifacts did you find? How were you able to tell what time it was from? Can you remember any interesting facts about the Thames? What do you think children in years to come will find on the Thames river banks? 

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Say No to Segregation

We continued reading Journey to Jo'Burg - Naledi and Tiro were involved in a pass raid. Having acted out this scene, we empathised with how unfair the apartheid law was. We decided a protest was necessary so, as a year group, we created placards to demonstrate against the apartheid law.

Reflect on how you felt during this protest.
Why did you start the protest?
How did you feel whilst on the protest?
What effect do you think protests had during the apartheid law?
How else do people show how strongly they felt about segregation?

Monday, 14 May 2018

Next Tuesday ...

Next Tuesday, 7:58 P.M.
1. What do you think is happening in this picture?
2. How is this image similar to the rest of the story?

Challenge question
3. Can you predict what will happen next?

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

The Discovery

The children disembarked the bus, and stood huddled together on the road. It was a cold, foggy day, and so the children, wrapped up in coats and scarves, shivered as they waited.

Their teacher beckoned them closer, and as one they edged cautiously towards the skeleton. What was supposed to be a boring school trip had just got a whole lot more exciting! Were they on the verge of making a terrific discovery?

Continue this story ...

Friday, 4 May 2018

The Crime Scene - Part 2

Write in character what the detective might be thinking in this scene.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

The Crime Scene - Part 1

Write in character what the reporter and eyewitness might be saying in this scene.