After all the months of preparation and building excitement the big day had finally arrived. In unison, the balloons all took off into the air, leaving the cheering crowd far below, gasping at the magnificent spectacle.
A difficult journey lay ahead, and surely not all of the balloons would make it, but they had to try – the prize of £1,000,000 for the first crew to make it around the world was a great incentive …
Continue the story. Make sure you use a range of punctuation and try hard to make your writing interesting and believable. You might find it useful to think about the following questions:
How many balloons do you think are taking part in the race?
What do the crews have to do to win the race?
What does the winner receive?
What obstacles might they encounter along the way?
How many of the crews will make it around the world?
How do you think the crews would prepare for such a journey?
What are the most dangerous things that they might encounter?
But remember, your task is to write a story, not to just answer these questions.
What does the winner receive?
What obstacles might they encounter along the way?
How many of the crews will make it around the world?
How do you think the crews would prepare for such a journey?
What are the most dangerous things that they might encounter?
But remember, your task is to write a story, not to just answer these questions.
After all the months i was wanting to go in a balloons i said to my mum and dad by and she want of to get her balloon and she stop in spin to get water and food and then she got in her balloon to eat her food then she went to a world to sleep then she get up and eat then get on her balloon
ReplyDeleteWrite about one country they went over Laila and remember to use full stops and capital letters.
DeleteShe went to morocco and find food then the went in the balloon.
Deletethey heard that there was a air balloon race and he heard there was going to be 99 people. so he told his family he is going to travel around the world for 1 million pounds so he backed his stuff and left the house.then they started but he never knew that they had to stop at every country to get something to make them win the race. then they stopped at america and bought and he found a boost and they.then he used the boost and went into 2oth place. they landed in a spooky forest. then they got sticks made fire and heated some marsh mellows.he thought that only 10 people will win this race alive. so they were heading back to there air balloons and wild animals ripped there air balloons
ReplyDeleteWow! How did they continue Taio? Planes, trains or automobiles?
Deletethey found a house with a old man living in there and they were thinking of a way to leave. then they found some junk and metal in the garage and one of them wanted to build planes him and rest of them and him 4 days then he finished then in the morning they will fly of they went and they saw the finishing line and he crossed it first so he got the PRIZE which was the 1 million pounds and came person in the world and he bought alot of stuffs
DeleteI was ready I went to the air ballon I was wating for my team mates to get on the air ballon.Then we set of to the sky the prize was one millon ponds I was looking out for any disasters and I saw I tornadow at the north we were heded to north so I told my team to stop but we hit the tornadow we had I holl at the air ballon and we crashed so we had lunch and went back at the sky.we were second place heded to china then we tock the lead I fander bolt hit the fist players air ballon we were first we were just going to hit the finish lin but then.the funder bolt hit as my team mates died I won the prize in first place and retarnd to my family.
ReplyDeleteI think there are 19 of the balloons taking part i this race.
ReplyDeleteI think they have to stop at each country and taste the food because you can't go all around the world with no food.
The first crew to go all around the world first will receive £1,000,000.
I think lightning might blast there balloons and they will crash.
I know that not only one crew can win so at least 5 or 6 can win because some of them might have problems on the way.
they will have to put a lot of fuel inside there air balloons.
the worst thing that will happen to them is if they get struck by lightning.
I've been sent on this journey to receive £1,000,000 and this is one of the dangerous moment of my life and I will take it and never give up.I trained for many years and this is the is the day when I finish it, I am more scared then I ever been in my life my hole family wished me luck and I will respect it.
You should be writing a story using the picture as inspiration, not simply describing what you can see. Imagine you are in the race. Try again.
DeleteI am going to win that £1,000,000 by force it might even take 4 years put still I will never give up because I am nothing without that lottery ticket.
DeleteKeep going Ishmael, this should be a story!
DeleteMy families generation will not forgive me if I fail. I always wanted to float in an air balloon so this is the only time to show anyone who is watching this you might think its easy but it is really hard and they take real risks this might take more than a year but I will carry on and never give up until a finish this race. Every time I arrive at a country I will stop and taste there food if I win this balloon race I will be celebrating my victory. With my £1,000,000.
DeleteShe took a deep breath and climed onto the basket and flew away, she looked down and she saw people cheering from the top of there lungs they shouted " YES YOU CAN DO IT SARAH SARAH SARAH!" She was feeling like a champion. But... there was something weird that Sarah saw the most terrifying and most ugliest GIANT SPIDER! She hoped a lot to get back down but the spider cut the rope and she just stayed up in the air needing food and water but finally a air police saved her after she didn't come back down in a few days. she jumped onto his plane and she told him that there was a giant spider he got his big ingestion with poison inside injected the giant spider and the spider died,then he dropped down so fast and landed dead every one saw it and ran to their houses in fear, the police and Sarah drove back down bunt the spider up and got rid of him now everybody could come out there houses and went to the beach to have some fun. THE END!
ReplyDeleteI was sent to a journey to go around they world after all that time there was a prize of £1,000,000 I WAS SHOCK and i said yes i went with me crew there was 6 people with me and that we will help each other after few days later i was hungry and i stop a country eat some food with my crew i was not hungry got and i got in my air balloons and sale off after 6 hours a storm came we try to take shelter but we were flying so we could not get anything we were close to losing a person but instead air balloons pop and at least we took so much food to sell and get anthore air balloons and we went after stormy went we were fine then we quickly sent of to anthore country to take shelter again lucky we took shelter before balloons pop we went again and we land in island were no body were there but i and my crew look for anything then we saw a anthore air balloons come out there were people inside wee were losing we quickly got on the air balloons push them they were losing after 30 minute sun came up and we set sale we were hungry we decide to go fishing in waste our money i got 5 fish other people my crew if you add them they got 43 i got 5 so we add them togther and got 48 fish eat them roasted dangerous thing were happening antil a person drop at l we drop safely we went down to get him after 40 minute we were board and luck play a game we were half way through stormy again came strike at the air balloons we had to protect it before it pop and land in a island again we push the air balloons inside the cave and we went inside we saw a air balloons people inside the air balloons people were laughing at us there air balloons pop and there were 17 more sun rise it shine in my face is so Bright we got in went after a week we were hungry so we went fishing we eat the fish and they were so nice yummy we were so close but we were tired we never give up we cared on and cared on antil we got there we were so happy but i just notice that we had to go back again we went quickly and quickly and then we came back for our
ReplyDelete£1,000,000 price money
Six groups heard a hot air balloons travel. race for all around the world. and the first one that was to get there first would get 1 million pounds. then when they found out about the race they were ready .the first group started as they started .a snow storm came across to get them out and everything dropped but they were okay .then somebody else went in lead .then the rain came down and came 6th place and they got sunk down to the river. then they all. cached up and went through. the green spooky slimy forest were there balloons got stuck behind. a tree then when they got out of the forest they went through. the blue clouds were the driver could not see but the ground. then as they went through he dropped out were no one was in controls. but the wind and they crashed landed they did not cross the finish line but everyone else did .and 5 people survived and they said i'm never flying again then the 1st group won the 1 million pounds.
ReplyDeletei have bin ready for this for years and im going to win this for my wife and kids . ive herd that there will be 21 balloons and that if you win this race you get 1,000,000 pounds and dollars. now meet the crew is jossie and shqaun and we are going to win this hot air balloon race. as we were getting ready to go i herd a man saying the obstacles that were in the way was mountens achers and cannen balls.to be continued
ReplyDeleteNow continue this race around the world Kermarley. the are lots of countries to visit and many adventures you may have along the way.
DeleteAs we set of It took days to win and as I looked the first obstacle was the great rocky mountains and it did not look safe as others crashed and went down to the grown now there was only 11 hot air balloons left now we were very smart so we decided to go over the the mountains but they never told us that it could grow higher So we had to keep going up But then there's are chance we were over the mountains at last we were safe Crome dange as we fell a sleep. The next day I got up with my hat wen some thing some one shot a Arro at my hat it was archers to be continued...
DeleteI have been waiting all my life to compete in this event even when I was 12 years old there are going to be so many people taking part in this race.before I left my family wished me good luck when i got there there was so many people around me they said how ever goes round the world and back wins the prize of 1,000,000 they told us the rules you must go to a country take a photo and bring something from that country and once you have been all over the world you have to come back and see if you have taken a picture and if you have brought any thing back then who ever is back first with all of the things wins are you ready get set go I rushed past all of them me and my crew were in lead then we were not in lead at all that team that rushed past us to be countinued
ReplyDeleteWas my wrest rival he flow past me he is my worst enemy because of what he did to me in primary school he said when he was the right age to fly a hot are balloon he will enter a flying contest and win but I said you will never beat me since that day he has been training since he was 9 years old ever since he has been my worst enemy to be continued
DeleteKeep going Esther!
DeleteHe was so fast faster than my crew my crew was pushing and pushing in till we got like a move on we were in third place finally I got to my favourite country Asia it smelt so good in the city all of the lovly food smells in the air I gust wanted to go in to a restaurant and eat but the race was still on but we took a photo and I brought back a bracelet that said Asia on it it was so beautiful. I gust love Asia I will come here for holiday if me and my crew win that gackpot we finally left and me and my cre were in the lead we could not believe it it was so amazing we kept on racing in till we got to the next country this not really my favourite country but I still had to bo it we when they to Australia there was so many people the country was really beautiful but not my tipe of country we took a selfie whith our camera it was really fun the race came to the end all of the competitive people against me but I cam second it was so fun better luck next year it was a really fun race.
DeleteLuckily I talked to most of my competitions before heading of, one of them called Merleace she was actually kind of shady because she want a talker. Our firs assignment was to go to Scotland then the rest of the UK. I even spotted my mother waving goodbye although my DAD wasn't there...... There was about 20/25 balloons and I was the first one to launch of so that gave me a big advantage. I firstly had to get of and gift the best gift so i have for the competition.BUT I already had a gift in my pocket but i have to get food because all around the world there is different food taste. The winner wins 1,000,000 and a trip to Bora Bora in the luxury hotel for 1 month and also get £1000 spending money. As we wen't on with our journey
ReplyDeleteTo be continued.
Great start, now what happens. Remember the world is big and you will travel over many, many countries. Will you have an adventure in each? Use your knowledge of geography to add detail - you can mention the famous sites you visit such as the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Colosseum or Angkor Wat. The possibilities are endless!
DeleteI am so happy and scared at the same time because it is gonna be hard to win the competition.I don't think I'm gonna even get a cross the world and stop in every country because I'm a very slow person when ever I do something I'm always late I never been on a hot air balloon before I hope it will be fun hopefully I win and the people in my crew is most of my family ,my sister ,my brother ,my mother and my father so I would never be away from who I love. To be continued...
Deletefinally we set off and went to our first country Australia then to the Caribbean islands so the first the Dominican republic, then Jamaica, then Antigua, then Barbados, then Columbia, then cuba, then saint Mary,
then Grenada, then Guadeloupe, then Martinique To be contiuned...
Continue this story Malika. I want to read about all the exciting adventures!
DeleteThen to Jamaica so I have to get the Jamaican flag and a horn with the Jamaican flag on it Then to Columbia so I have to get the Columbia flag and a horn with the Columbia flag on it
Now to Cuba so I'm gonna have get the Cuban flag and a horn to with the Cuban flag on it
Now to Australia what we have to do is take pictures or draw a picture
After that in Antigua we have to get some more pictures
I was wating to go aroud the world with my freind and I will not make my freind down but.I have to have a good jouney and I need to win 1,000,000 pounds to get rich to be continue.
ReplyDeleteI think you have started with a really good story, Shaquan, But tell me more about you and how your friend felt every time you went over a fascinating country, and what country did you like the best in your story?
DeleteSo I set of ot go ot the Unknown with my crew. But we needed to get some supply's to make sure that we have food to take on our journey and armour , sheald and swords. We will also need sleeping bags and pillows , blankets to have some sleep when we're tiared. Now it's time to start the race. ON YOUR MARKS GET SET GO!!!!! And I said my last fairwell.
ReplyDeleteYour story is really good Lashay, you are very well prepared. But you have not told me about your journey and what happened along the way.
DeleteI am so happy that i am on this hot air balloon.This is my best day ever because i just stay at home so bored i love this day we are now in Germany.We had to go back down at Germany to try some food it was so nice but after we had to go back to the air balloon. we have made it to florider i am so ready to munch up my lovely Berger and chips are i think that like i can not eat eny more but gets whay i will bring extra Berger and chips if i need to.my only trip left is BRAZIL i am happy to be here.
ReplyDeleteI think that thy have to try and get around the world then after when they are finish they have to cross a finish line and who ever crosses the finish line wins and they get £1,000,000. I think that 14 hot air balloons are going to get around the world and back to the finish line. All so the danger of racing in a hot air balloon is the you can crash in to other hot air balloons or you could bump into a big rock and get injured.
ReplyDeleteDon't just describe what you see in the picture Makayla. Write a story using the picture as inspiration.
DeleteMy story is that all of the hot air balloons are in a race and there is one hot air balloons wins the race every year and one hot air balloon is trying to beat him but it is impossible to beat him unless you are fast enough to beat him. All of the other racers has bean wanting to catch up to him for months actually years and most of the racers are injured because they crashed into a rock and they crash into a hot air balloon.Now a brave racer is going to try but he does not stand a chance agents the hot air balloon champion... The next day he nearly crashed into a rock because the hot air balloon champion pushed him out the way but he was so brave and unstoppable that he got back up on his feet and he went so fast that he was right next to him and when the finish line was right in frunt of them that made him push harder and he one that's when he new when there was a new hot air balloon champion...
Deletethey were on a journey a great around the world so much to discover then one of there crew members slipped and almost fell of but they hanged on like a snake wrapping around a tree. they were helping him up till they crashed into a mountain rapidly the air baloon was surrounding them till it was going up they were arguing till the captin grabbed it he said COME ON NOW,they all pulled but one said`` you all disrespect thou pay. the crew said sadly sorry you were in danger he grabbed on the crew went flying up he grabbed on to a man`s leg and of they went. they
ReplyDeletewere sleeping while the captin landed...
Captain landed... Is this heaven said the captain " WAKE UP WAKE UP the crew "shouted. We're stuck wait where's edu "I've seen this no captin I dreamed this "said edu we have to go aaaaaaaahh mayday put your swims suits on we're on a mountain the end of one there was no choice but to hey had to jump they pulled the basket with them so beautiful they saw ATLANTIS,AMAZON JUNGLE.they discovered Atlantis wait you dreamed you were here yes said edu. DASHAVOE screamed the captin wait there's the balloon jump with my mark 3 2 1 jump off they went wait Atlantis disappeared just like before but with people in it help help they screamed they hovered slowly to the Solomon Islands wait help someone's on are balloon rrrrrrrrrrr thanks it's the man in my dream said edu.oh no bump the other air balloons stick your basket to are balloon they all had injures we need to team up for this stay together we're going to temperaraaly sleep in the jungle in Australia good idea we need shelter wait......
DeleteI went I new I could make it suddenly a storm struck one baloon alleady got blone away it crashed in the see I tried to go faster and faster then the wind blew somone I had to carry on I went the fastest this baloon could go a big storm came bigger then before it blew me back a bit then I back I it Made go so fast that it was first in the race after tow months of traveling only 4 people remain I was so close one of people just jroped down
ReplyDeleteI new I could make it after an other month I just zoomed frew every one else in the race there was only tow people I could see the finish line I came first I was in joi and so excited I was jumping around every where I one 1 million pound.
Can you start this again and start from the beginning of your story. You don't need to write too much at the start, but introduce your story.
DeleteOne day I was strolling around the town when I saw a poster saying first one to go threw the hole world will get a million pound the race started tomorrow afternoon. I packed up stuff I needed then I went to the starting line I went on my air balloon I was getting ready packing everything on the air balloon then I got on and the race started I had to make it because this event happens every 5 years I had to make it the race started I went. Threw lots of people then carried on going I had to try my hardest to make it to the finishing line.
DeleteI went Germany and in a few days I went to Spain I passed it. And went to India it was really cold there.
To be continued...
Why stop! Keep going and add detail about the countries. What facts do you know about Spain? You could use these in your story. Maybe you will collect trophies and souvenir along the way.
DeleteI went on to Amiraca we went of to go get breakfast then me and my crew saw a parade when we were on the air balloon there was still 18 more country's to pass then I will make it to the finish line.After a while I fealt really tiered so we stopped for a bit to get some rest then carried then the rain started dripping then we saw see we went threw the see and we saw lots of waves then a storm came
DeleteTo. Be continued
The people have to get to a tropical island that's near to this country you can come 1st 2nd or 3rd
ReplyDeleteit does not matter.If you come 1st then you receive a real GOLD statue.You have to go a long way so listen to me now!
"Oh no" said one girl from below."You'd better be safe and win because it's DANGEROUS out there."she said.
As the 20 air balloons blasted off into the air the 49h3 (the evil name for the villains) plotted on winning the 1,000,000 pounds,trip to Lanzarote (a part of Spain) and a mini cooper.It was long time before getting to America,the air balloons were just over Yellowstone park until.....to be continued...
ReplyDeleteWhen all the crews were soaring in the skies with great elegance like majestic eagles in the sky . Just then a spectacular thing happened , the English crew shot into the lead because of a sudden rush of wind sent them flying. New Zealand were not far behind to be continued ......
ReplyDeleteAll of the crews were shouting for New Zealand to get out if the way. Just then the last crew behind which was Eygept brought out a bow and arrow and managed to get a clear shot of the New Zealand balloon and shot it down . The one arrow didn't do much so they got another one and set it on fire . " Well those guys came to a firey end!" Said the archer who shot them down. " Nooooooooo!" Said the New Zealand ballon as there screams drowned into the valley of darkness. The racers approached France they had to be contiued
DeleteThey had to go over the effeil tower one crew's balloon got stuck and the balloon popped and deflated. Now there were only 14 countries left in the race : China,England,France,Jamaica,Sweden,Portugal,Argentina,Spain,Mongolia,India,Uganda,America and Japan.
DeleteOne of the people on the frech balloon said "Ah ze effeil tower, my favourite landmark of our beuatifull country eh qui qui" " J'aime ma vie" (This means i love my life in french). The remaining crews had a messaged deliverd to them by a carrier peiogen saying they had to collect some Soupe à l'oignon which was a french food . All of the crews collected the Soupe à l'oignon except Sweden who didn't get it so they were eliminated. Now reader you are probably wandering who set up this whole thing ,well let me give you a clue his nickname is fuze but his real name is Shuhrat Kessibayev and he used to be in the spetanaz which were the russian ctu(counter terrorisim unit). The reason they called him fuze was because he places cluster charges which fire bombs to the other side of the room. "Кластер бесплатно поместить !" (This means cluster charge placed in russian). The crews had to pass over italy and one of the pedestrians below shouted "hey it's the racers yay!". one again the crews received a message from the carrier peiogen saying they had to collect some Calcite. This was a rare italian mineral. The Mongolian crew had some help so they got the cristal first, the americans used technology to find the crystal second and England came third and the othere crews found it except from Jamaica so they were eliminated. The Mongolians were in the lead with the Americans close behind . to be continued..................
Great writing Tofe. Now when your balloons touch down in the next country to collect supplies, really try to write an adventure. Think Indiana Jones! Maybe they will be searching for a lost artefact or treasure hidden in the ruins of a temple, deep inside the jungles of Borneo.
DeleteThe next place was the Amazin rainforest and they had to get the crystal skull buried deep underground and guarded by the ancient snake monger so they had to be careful. The balloons landed and they did not notice a bandit in the trees and he struck a match and set all the balloons on fire and left then to burn down. All of the contestants were searching for the crystal skull under ground Japan got crushed by some mud and they asked China for help but they just smirked and buried them underground and got the crystal skull . China were looking for there balloons and all the other countries were looking for theirs the bandit slowly approached all of the contestants and looked at them slowly he pressed a button and the snake mongers burst end out of the ground
DeleteTo be continued.....
The people in the air balloons didn't care about all the different risks they were going to go through all that they could think about was the one million pounds. The majority of the town had wasted fifty pounds on this special event. Friends and family came to see if they could win the jackpot. One poor man entered the race hoping he could just get his hands on the prize so he could live a happy life with his son,daughter and wife. Before they took off the man's wife said " Always persevere " as all nine-teen air balloons got their engines ready and went into the air.
ReplyDeleteAs they got to France they all had to go over the Efell tower. All of them went over except one who couldn't get over so him and his air balloon crashed into the Efell tower and dropped inside a scrap yard. The poor man flew on with an undamaged air balloon.To be continued
i said to my family goodbye then i set of for my long journey i met my crew we discussed about who will be the one who will sail and who will be the one who look out we also discussed about know one will beat us and we will win the £1,000,000 and we thought that we will.when it was time to go in the air balloon i was the one who leaded the air balloon and sarah was the one who looked out for trouble mohamad was the one who also looks out for trouble too but is on the other side of the air balloon.There also is amira and she is the one who looked out for trouble and shouts if we are going to smash in a rock. there was 19 air balloon so we have to pass all of them (sign)"that is going to be a lot of work" sarah said before we when in the air balloon "phew we get to stop in each contery to have a brake and eat different things"mohamad said in ralif."i am kind of scared to be sucked up by a volcano" amira but i was kind of looking forwered to this.we flew till amira shouted " i think we qare going to have a bad kind of day and night!" to be continued
ReplyDeleteOne day there was this air balloon place what happens every year. There was this homeless man he was very old. He only had 1 pence in his hand. Every year he is always the one that watches people race. The crews have to do 10 laps and when they have finished they drink five cups of tea then go to the finished line then they become first. Who ever wins gets £50,00,000. There is spikes left right and center. So you have to watch out every were.There is only 4000 CREWS WILL MAKE IT !!!!!!!
The crews were looking forward to the race . But at the same time they were scared. Ever since those crews got the invitation they have been sending back letters about the race. but they haven,t responded. Every time the old man new those old trolls were lying. They say that there will be bad stuff but nobody would get hurt. But behind your backs there was pure evilness. When the the old man was young he always use to tell strangers not to go. But they told him "shut up"!!!! so he stopped because he gave up . So he sadly strolled of and he sighed.
DeleteThe dangers of flying in a hot air balloon is that you can crash into a big rock or you could drop out the hot air balloon. You could accidently crash into a hot air balloon and you will loose the race that's why children is not safe in a hot are balloon and that's why a hot air balloon is not safe to ride in.
ReplyDeleteVery true Makayla, but not a story.
DeleteI said to my family goodbye and I met some new family today as well.After I said bye I set off into the bright sky.
ReplyDeleteIf I came first I would win £9000,00000 if not pay £9000,00000.
One day therev was air balloon no they where lot of air balloon but one did not when up so guy help the man to make the air balloon try but was about to when to up but it did not but try again but it still go up but the next day everybody came to help man and man try to help him all of the people said get up! So they said again last did work when up everybody said goodbye and the happy ever after . The end
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting all my life for this moment. my whole entire family is counting on me. I have never been so terrified in my life. I need to be this winner today other wise I can't be the greatest flyer this world have ever seen. I will never stop this journey. If I be this winner my family will be so proud I will be so rich. I will never stop in any country because I have so much food in my bag. I will be the best flyer. My family is going to be rich thanks to my speedy balloon. I could never be so determent to win this race and get 1,0000,000 pounds for my family. This is the moment to get serious because I have been waiting for this forever. I have been training for this. I check the engine and made it faster and I have been checking this balloon for along time. I will take this challenge.
ReplyDeleteSuper start Destin, now tell me what happens next.
DeleteI went tinto my air balloon I was pretty excited the race had just started so I turn on my air balloon and flyed into the sky I went to every single country there was. I had eaten do and became first place I did not stop for any food I have my own. I was almost at the finish line. The other air balloons were cahching up but I had won I had 10000,000 pounds I was the most richest guy there ever was
DeleteI think that in the race there might be 5 air balloons or more than 1. The journey might be dangerous because the air balloon fall. In every air balloon there's a race there might be 30 air balloons or 40. Air balloons fly in the mountains
ReplyDeleteI went on my balloon I would get my food for this journey. I try to get my balloon faster I could be the number one star if I won this race. I have been paicent while I have been flying the balloon I have thinking about this whole race I haden't slept I just kept moving until the finish line. I flyed to the finish and won 1,0000,000 pounds. now my family is rich thanks to me.
ReplyDeleteI went on my balloon I would get my food for this journey. I try to get my balloon faster I could be the number one star if I won this race. I have been paicent while I have been flying the balloon I have thinking about this whole race I haden't slept I just kept moving until the finish line. I flyed to the finish and won 1,0000,000 pounds. now my family is rich thanks to me.
ReplyDeleteAll those balloons that are flying are making me so desperate to try it too, because the thing that we'll get is....£1,000,000 and I just can't wait to fly when I'm older.The obstacles they'll might occur could be rocks blocking them and trying to get through.Only 20/25 is racing, the rest have gone MISSING.Do they have to prepare for such a journey around the whole world like this?There could be dangerous obstacles there that they'll occur.What if they don't make it?Will they survive?Can they do the race?People could be scared of this matter and be thinking of it because if they do they might be scared and DON'T LOOK DOWN.2 days later they were tired, they will still on the balloons, still the race hasn't finished yet, but wait there's dangerous thing that's going to happen...Oh no could they have fallen down to the deepest end?What are they thinking,but the red balloon had won the race but how, it wasn't tired but at least someone had past the finish line already the red balloon decided to help and both won the race.
ReplyDeleteLater on, they all won the race and the master said"You've won the race and YOU'LL ALL GET THE £1,000,000!"
well done, all people on the balloon were filled with joy and the master changed his mind that THEY'LL WIN £5000,000. Yay , WE ARE SO HAPPY THANK VERY MUCH.
The End
Deborah, tell me about the most interesting thing they saw on their jounrney? Think about all those incredible sights they would have flown over!
DeleteThe most interesting thing that we saw in our race was meeting the Blue Morpho Butterfly and THE RIDICULOUS FLOWER POT.All these incredible sights filled my palms with joy.What a lovely day, this was a RIGHTEOS day in my life. I could have almost dropped afar down,don't look down or you'll think you're going all the way up and don't look up or you'll think you're falling down.BYE for now.😇
DeleteWhen i was ready i said my last good byes to my family . I've been waiting for this for a very very long time so i got all my stuff and went out of the door . Everyone was getting ready for the race they might take long to get there self together . The first one to get back they will win a 1,000,000 pounds . Of i go now to fly of around the world i was a bit nervous when i set of . This might to 5 days or more to get back so i got food and drink so when i get hungry i can eat. It looks amazing up here i wish i can do this all the time but i cant and so what if i loos this at least i took part in this contest . I have been riding a hot air balloon for a very long time
ReplyDeleteWish me the best of luck .
I was in I air balloon trying to win the 1,000,000 bounds and to do that I need to go throw the world so I got in my air balloon and launched of with my group I was exerted and skard in the same the we were crossing too the next city we were heading strayed to I mountain all heart so we had I rest then we were back in business we were heading to the finish line but then a tornado came we made the it but my fiends died but I won.
ReplyDeleteWhen i was ready i said my last good byes to my family . I've been waiting for this for a very very long time so i got all my stuff and went out of the door . Everyone was getting ready for the race they might take long to get there self together . The first one to get back they will win a 1,000,000 pounds . Of i go now to fly of around the world i was a bit nervous when i set of . This might to 5 days or more to get back so i got food and drink so when i get hungry i can eat. It looks amazing up here i wish i can do this all the time but i cant and so what if i loos this at least i took part in this contest . I have been riding a hot air balloon for a very long time
ReplyDeleteWish me the best of luck .
this the first day off my life i get my dreams, this is the only thing i have been waiting for, this all my life i just cant wait for tomorrow i am going to pack .... Finally it is the day i am a bit nervous but i am sure i will make it hopefully uh i am not okay wright now i cant stop thinking how long it going to take to get there but i want to do this for my family. so i have finished packing and i am just going downstairs and i just noticed that there was a little decoration on the way but i thought it was the decoration from Christmas so i went down and suddenly they had a party ready for me i whispered to my mum that i am actually late so she gave me a big slice of cake and tip toed.... TO BE CONTINUED
ReplyDeleteContinue Rachel.
DeleteOut the door until the door...croaked but luckily everybody was having so much fun they couldn't even here a peak until I saw a person walking by but she couldn't even see me from the corner of her eye so pulled the door shut and had a stroll wile I was going as I was on the bus there were crouds of people I was amazed it felt like I was in a dessert there was allot of body heat I felt was going to die I couldn't help it much longer so instead I got of the and started jogging and got fresh air I even got ice cream and had packed cold freazing water so I don't get a sore throat To Be CONTINUED
DeleteEvery year there is a hot air balloon race a legend tells a crew got lost in another country.1 Lap around the world the winner gets 2,123,143 pounds. My crew drive the rainbow I made it myself my crew love it I can not wait for the trip around the world first stop Jamaica to find a ka fruit punch. to be continued
ReplyDeleteI wondered how many balloons there were, I wondered to myself would I win or not, but wasn't beginning to lose hope. I began to fear who would make it and who wouldn't . How many things would encounter us. All these questions began to fill up in my head. Would I even make it ? I feel something , something dangerous will encounter us . There are probably thousands of balloons flying all around and are ahead of me ! I hope the prize is good , maybe someone has already one. No what am I saying we started 6 hours ago. To be continued
ReplyDeleteGreat start Ellie, now continue.
DeleteI began to heat up really fast, I couldn't take the heat so I began to shift my hot air balloon down till then I recognised four Piramids Giza, Hamunaptra, Hemothep, and Anuck-sunnamun and I saw the river Nile so I flexed towards it to have a soothing drink. After that I went back to my balloon to make my way to St Petersburg so I could grab a jacket from the old palace of Empress Alexandra and Tsar Nicholas II . Henceforth again, I was back in the Mysterious and misty cold yonder of air. As I was going over the Pacific Ocean, I saw the ruins of an Mossy underwater Temple. I felt lucky that I bought my vintage camera so I took lots of beautiful pictures. Finally I was at my last country France and I got to meet Anastasia,Tatianna,Maria and their little Brother Alexi.
DeleteAfter I finally got home I couldn't believe my eyes I HAD WON THE MONEY WAS ALL MINE...well at least for now, until my sister sneaks in just to buy sweets
DeleteThere was all sorts of ballons from different contries but another standout one, was the Americans. They had one Englishman, like the British had Madeline. They were very similar but stood as rivals. 3! 2! 1! Bang! That shot signalled the start of the race. The British were off. They had to travel to India to get a ruby that looked like a locket/necklace. There was the smell of tumeric and thyme, spices and herbs so the cook had to go and buy some. (Or steal it, by the looks of things!) Madeline jumped out and took her hair down. Straightaway she got the ruby and the cook got back just in time for them to get to the next country, Nigeria. Strangely, as they landed, no-one was there. They started rubbing their eyes. They were in a standstorm! America quickly rushed ahed to get the first finest piece of material or 'ankara cloth'. But the Brits got out to get the second piece, just, (with help from Madeline, of course!) and escaped the storm. The trouble was the Brits had comfy beds but no-one else did. Everyone was fine, apart from the Americans. They were so jealous, even though they were in front. But they weren't allowed to steal. Any other country would get them disqualified. So they had to swallow it. Hours, minutes, days and months passed until the final country, Luxembourg, Europe.
ReplyDeleteContinue from 'Everyone was fine, apart from the Americans' Fathia. I love you story up to this point, particularly how they had challenges along the way - collecting a ruby from India. Maybe you should have a puzzle or challenge in each of the countries they visit (an envelope delivered by carrier pigeon when you cross the border of a new country, think Mission Impossible). Remember don't rush, there are lots of countries in the world! Also, you could start to flesh out some of your characters. Use inference, it's one of your targets.
DeleteThey had landed in Finland and they had to find a whitecurrant. The Finnish sped away, seeing as it's the home country. So did British, Americans and Japanese followed, but Spain was disqualified. So were Greece, China and France. Speaking of France, the next country was the city of Paris. They had to find an orange troika nasturtium. The Brits found one and only one. To be Continued.
DeleteSo they had to keep it close, very close. It was getting hotter, so everyone knew they were in Jaipur! One American fell in love with Princess Diya Kumari of Jaipur and let the team down. But they wanted to win. So someone else went. They had to find an aquamarine chalcedony. It's a type of gemstone. The Brits didn't know where to find one and were... almost disqualified. Just! They got one from a jeweler called Advika. She was very pretty as well so they decided to invite her onto the balloon.
DeleteAfter India where will they go? Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar ... even the jungles of Borneo!
DeleteOr they might fly North over the Himalayas and into Tibet and China!
DeleteThe Romanians were disqualified and had to fly back with all the others. The next stop, Greece! They had to get an 'Aphrodite Queen' necklace. The jeweler had some knowledge of Greek, but not a lot. She communicated okay with them, but couldn't get a necklace. The Americans found Advika impressive, and took her. But then...
DeleteThey found out that she was awful at Greek and gave her back to the Brits. They were so relieved to get Advika back, and got a necklace! Vietnam were disqualified. Quickly, they got to Ancient Egypt and had to find a golden statue of the Great Pyramid of Giza. But the British and Americans were the only teams left! They were yet to find a statue. But suddenly, the British swiped one from a perfume maker as they were about to fly away. The Americans were disqualified.
DeleteI was invitied to a hot air balloon race there was 7 groups had 5 people whit me and they told me if my group win we will get a prize that is 976800£ after they said that I was very shocked by that. I was feeling a little scared because my air balloon might pop then I started the race my balloon was flying fast but I thought that the journey was a little dangrouse. But then my balloon was going slow. I am happy because I might win the prize that is 976800£. Then the balloon was fast so I won the race and I won the prize that is 976800£.
ReplyDeleteThere was balloons that were different because the contries are not the same and where there going to is not the same place and I will get a prize that is £976800.
ReplyDeleteThere was 18 air baloons they were crossing the world because they wanted to get the air baloon trophy I saw 2 air baloons one of the air baloons fell in a country and the nother air baloon won the trophy of the air baloon chalenge
ReplyDeleteI woke up in the morning and I new I had to win this contest because I needed to get new shoes.So I went down stairs and went out of the house to the contest.Once I got there I went to my balloon and started. The race was from England to Australia.To be continued.
ReplyDeleteNow your ready for the adventures to begin Hafsa. Keep on writing.
DeleteThere was two stops and the first stop was Russia.The last five would be elmanatied so that meant I had to work really hard.At first I was doing really well until two teammates had to go in front of me!The next thing you knew they were tag teaming with me so Ionly had one option and was to jump off the air balloon and jump on my friends one.lukily I ladled right in the middle of the air balloon.
DeleteAs soon as you new it I was in the last stop and this was China everyone wanted to win but I was in the lead of first place but suddenly I was floating into second place I couldn't let the other air balloon win. So I had to pull his string and slowly he started to float down.And once he was down the race was finished and I was the winner.
The moral of the story is to always believe in your self.
By the time they got to Germany four air balloons had crashed into each-other and have been left in the sea but the poor man flew on unharmed.
ReplyDeleteAt this stage their was only five more air balloons floating in the sky. As they approached to North America another air balloon crashed into the poor man's air balloon " loser!" said the man as he flew on. Suddenly, the man remembered what his wife told him always persevere he thought as he started to fly back into the air. He knew he didn't have much time so he put more fire into the engine. It was a miracle! he had caught up to the other balloons. Straight away the man had turnt into a different person,a competitive one.
As they flew to Brazil,the finish line,the man barged all the other four air balloons into the Atlantic Ocean.
He's done it! The most unlikely person on Earth to win the competition won! The no longer poor man knew he was rich but he went to Sir Lanka to steal some rubies.
Two months later the rich man was arrested for stealing rubies so they fined him the money he won and locked him up for two years. After that the man became poor again.
The two morals to the story are always believe and always appreciate what you get.
One day i was text from my YouTube video they said "Kid you have a chance to travel the world but in a race.With other people if you come back ALIVE and win you will get 10,0000 in cash." I was like WHAT! But i don't know were it will start. So i just text him back " hey Mark if that your username were will it take place and what will we use to get around the world?"He replied saying this"kid you will be using a hot air balloons we will pick one for you.You will be contending at sunny side beach. Your brakes will be at the US and Canada". Two days later .... by the wat my name is Dan
ReplyDeleteOn your mark get set go! Starting of at Manchester. 3 is in the lead so far but wheres Dan last place such a shame. wait Dan is put in on a rocket booster and he blasts off to London well half way. 3 in blown off and broke his hot air balloon because of Dan. So sad but 6 came out of know were like the flash. to be continued
Ok, the story is just beginning Oshane, do they cross the channel and what happens when they get to France and the rest of Europe?
DeleteA new competer has just came behind Dan with a dart ! Dan just released and dogged it.Sadly it popped six's balloon the reference balloon took six to New York and left him there. Now Dan is in first place Dan looked behind and all the balloon are popped Dan is determined he will out run the savage hunter was hunting him. A storm came in hard Dan just remembered Canada is right here so he takes a break in a cave. Thunder stuck down and hit Dan's balloon how will Dan get back in the air and that hunter To be continued
DeleteThe hunter balloon must of came from Africa because of all that Viking tattoos on his face. The storm stopped but Dans balloon is burnt like crisps. The storm had taken him into Mexico. He had to get up in the air again so he went down to the city but he had a idea he said it is time for the hunter to be hunted. But he spoke too soon he just shot a poison dart at the stone wall right next to Dans face Dan ran and ran but luckily he had picked up a hunters jacket what had a grappeleling hooks bow and some arrows chemicals for the arrows like that hunters darts. Dan saw a free plane so he took it up in the air and he spotted the hunter the hunter got in his balloon and Dan saw his rocket boosters and he said HEY THAT MY HOME MADE ROCKET BOOSTERS !!!!! Dan had too punch because that's one of the fastest things in England but he was know Mach of his boosters but he had his kit but the reff was saying no no. B b b... He has dart the reff said he came with it you picked it up.16 hours later half way back to England the reff was sleeping So Dan had a chance to he shot the dart at all the ropes and the scacks all dropped down. But the reff woke up and he had too cach the hunter or he would die in the river and drown Dan Pressed a red button but his mom would never let him but it said full thrudele on the plane and he zoomed off 4 minutes later HE WON !!!!!!!!!!!!! He got his m.m.m Money in a air balloon pure gold cup so he is twice as rich The end
Deletethere was 15 balloons in the air. except one it looked like it was burst and the people did not remember any think. back to the race in the lead was a black balloon. the person in side was wearing black you may be thinking people wear black but he would not let any body look at him. and any body that was near him would be boon away.
ReplyDeletethey start there gurney to France through the clouds they go sundry a balloon doped from the sky how know happens? it could of been lightning? NOT!. To be continued
ReplyDeleteAfter all the months of preparation and building excitement the big day had finally arrived. In unison, the balloons all took off into the air, leaving the cheering crowd far below, gasping at the magnificent spectacle.
A difficult journey lay ahead, and surely not all of the balloons would make it, but they had to try – the prize of £1,000,000 for the first crew to make it around the world was a great incentive.I felt scared at first then I started feeling fine,the place was decorated great,in fact it was beautiful.
"£1,000,000 here I go" she cried.The crews were in colors. There was orange,red,yellow,blue,dark blue,lilac and
Dominica republic
First were going to Dominica republic.WE all have to enter horrible storms, thunder and lightning ,when you are there you will see sunshine it will be so hot so be very careful.The other teams were winning because I was
careful they was not.I reached the storm it was terrifying.I couldn't even talk I was as scared as EVER.
I got to Dominica I was in the lead now I thought nobody was going to catch up
until one orange zoomed past.WOW!I didn't know they could go that fast.
I was inventing a hot air balloon race I sent out flyers telling people that there is a race on Thursday the race stared from japan to Africa to be continued...
ReplyDeleteIt was a time when I was at home sitting on the kitchen table ready to eat but then my mum found out that we ran out of food.So as days went past we were losing hope. But one day when my dad was at work he found a letter, a letter that says WINNER FOR THE ONLY PERSON FLY ACROSS WORLD SUCSESSFULLY WINS £100000! my dad was overjoyed to after he read the letter so he went straight back home to tell the news.
ReplyDeleteIt was the big day and the judge began to say 3.2.1 go!It was a start of a big lift off and I was flying in the air and I was appraoching the first cuontry france and it was vey hot so I drunk a bit of water. and then I continued as I got a criossant.
The next stop was spain I saw another team went and took ice cream. So the jorney was continued to morocco.
morocco it was beautiful! The day was sunny and every one had a to be continued
Keep going Jason. Did they fly over all those countries in Europe, across the Sahara and over the Himalayas?
DeleteBig lunch,so the other balloons went and then I went to Balearic ocean across Italy through UKraine to Russia and finally down to China I didn't see anyone else coming so I guess maybe this is the end of the race. But then there was still one more left and then pushed my balloon right down. But suddenly the wind was so fast that the balloon was crashed down to earth and got me to the finish line.
DeleteMy mum was really proud to hear the news and my dad was happy and then once again my life was rich and happy
A long sunny day where i felt like to do something extraordinary.So i went on a amazing balloon adventure i went throw the clouds but i was not thinking about the terrible dangerous storms it flashed write before my eyes i pulled the air balloon down while flying past the gloomy dark skies.But at last i waked up from that terrible day and i found my self in America i was looking down and every body was celebrating about something so i said to my self John what are they excited about so i went down to have a look.I was so happy to feel the ground but i forgot about being on the land and rushed past the crowd util i saw a person saying a balloon race is going on for 50000£ so i told them to weight because I'M racing to.I was feeling a little bit nerves because my opponents looked really to be continued.
ReplyDeleteThe bell rang. They were all ready to go. They all wanted £1,000,000 and the best balloon in the world and they would give them 5. The teams went as fast as they could, Russia went fast and crashed with another balloon. They were heading to Russia, they were all tired and they had to rest. Other groups were not going to rest until they had won the thing. Then Spain had found the first letter and read to themselves, the thing that said on the letter was find the best thing in China. To be continued...
ReplyDeleteNow continue your story Nicole.
DeleteIt was the diamond of the Emporer of China. They would have to steal of him but they had to be careful and quiet because they had to do it in the night so, they got equipment and at night did what they were commanded to do. The Emporer did not wake up but, good thing that they were camoflauged. He went back to sleep. Then France came in and one of them wishpered a joke to his team and they started to laugh so widly the people sleeping outside even with the door closed. The Emporer did not even move. spain knew they were in good hands so they got the daimond and went to look for some other clues. Meanwhile Mexico was flying to Spain and saw there first letter it said "What do talented people normally learn in Spain and when you know, do it!" Mexico didn't know but Spain did know and they were heading there. They snatched it off Mexico hands and read it. It said " what do talented people normally learn in Spain and when you, know do it!" They knew it in a flash so they emiediently went to a place were the place were they knew were they could find the answer and did it it was...dancing! the whole place knew about the race so as a reward they gave them lots of things to survive. Mexico were so surprised they thaught that it was cheating but actually it wasn't because, you could actually go to your country. Everybody went to there country exept Spain because they had gone to there one. France found there first letter and it said "what is made out flour and it is made into something, when you find the answer then make it." they didn't know what it was. It was bread and after 3 hours of thinking, they were tired and super hungry until they saw someone who baked and sold bread for a bit of money. so they went there and bought bread and then one of them said "The answer is bread!" They asked the baker if they could make bread and he said yes so, they made it and it was perfect. The baker was pleased that they had found the answer, so he gave them long-lasting bread just for them. They had all found one letter so they were all in a tie exept, for Spain that had 5 and they needed 30 more to win but the rest of them needed 9 more to win because they were slow and they needed to rest alot. A month had past and spain needed one more to win and the rest had one more and the most strangest thing of all was that the last country they had to visit were the same. They had to visit Dominican Republic and that was were the finish line was. Spain was in the lead with the letter in one of the team members hand. It said "find the sweetest fruit of all but be carefull you don't get tricked." he read aloud so everyone could listen. They were all confused. There brains went blank but they went on nobody knew exept for the Dominican team the answer was mangoes so, they went and told the people that grew mangoes and they gave them a reward. they crossed the finished line before everyone and then the man that controlled the event said that they were tricked, they were warned but they never listened and for that they had to do 100 more countries and that counted the countries they had done. They were all cross but they carried on doing there task even if they had to take an entire year they carried on. But the reason why they were not going to give there money to them was because he wanted more money. You had to pay to enter and you had to pay £100 and there was more than a thousands of people that entered and if you were going to participate in it or see it you had to pay £200. When they discovered it, they all got there money and shared the £1,000,000 and did there own races together without prizes, and did it altogether and if something happened, they would find a solution without leaving no one behind.
DeleteOne winters day after months and months of planing this advent. To fly over all the wold and you would not believe what the prize is £1.000,000. After passing France, Italyso fair I am in spain well the first wins. Now we are in America ONO there's a thunder storm help help my balloon is dropping
ReplyDeleteTo be continued
Swoop the air guards have helped me (don't worry we will help you) said the air guards. THANKS I better get going (ok) said the air guards so I parts America so l should be in
DeleteTo be continued
it was cold and dark it was so dark no one could see a thing there was a big storm then I herd a bang I that it was one of the balloon it was a big storm to be continued
ReplyDeletebut it was a big storm then I hard a ring and some one said you will win a pris it is a 1000doler pris so come on down to the big race the balloon race and you will be happy with your 1000 doler pris. so I went down there was No storms and no rain then we start the race I was the fast one to start I was wining and I was thinking about the one 1000 doler pris and I won then I got the 1000 doler pris THE END
Delete1967 May 26th
ReplyDelete"WELCOME TO THE ANNUAL BALLOON RACE,THIS YEAR THE FIRST TEAM TO GO AROUND THE WORLD AND CROSS THAT LINE WILL WIN 1,0000,0000,0000£" Shouted the loud speakers. i hoped i would win this year after my previous attempts...witch was 19 times, I really Need the money so i can buy that 100 inch hotub/swimming pool iv been wanting for years and its nearly out of stock."ARE YOU READY" YESSS!!!! said the crowd as thay lit up their balloons "OK 3..2..1 GO!!!!! That second all the fruitful balloons soared over the sky,The race was to start from the united states,Canada,Greenland,Russia,Japan,Australia,Africa,South America and Mexico.
1967 august the 17th
im so tired and im running out of food,just then my balloon got hit by litning and fell in to the alantic ocean as i saw the Jrassic park logo.
To Be Continued
1967 August 17th
ReplyDeleteAs i arose from the water i remembered that we were so-pose to collect an velociraptor tooth and chain it to our necklace,so i ran as fast as i could to the weapon shop and got my equipment.
1967 September 11th
with my velociraptor tooth attached to my necklace i sped over Mexico and in the distance i could see The United States i could smell victory was in the air as i crossed the finishing line when confetti was trowed at my face,i screamed when my 1,0000,0000,0000£ check was presented to me.I was crying with laughter when i ran to the shops to by my hotub/swimming pool.
2017 May 19th
Well i still have 1,0000,0000£ but me,my wife and kids are still happy in our Hillside Mansion.
Dan has just passed London but 6 is on Dan's tail. Dan had a YouTube idea but he converted it into a epic move. He shouted out "it's time to fall back now ". 6 was puzzled but Dan did a backflip with is balloon over 6's balloon and barged him. Now The rest of the racers were on his tail so he did dropped a sack now he was I last place to be continued
ReplyDeleteIt was the day and I was ready to race I was just thinking that if I could go around Africa and come back through the finish line so I set of with all the other coloured balloons 5 HOURS LATER as soon as I woke up I could see Dozens of tropical animals and the lovely bright shining sun reflecting on my face so I got up and set the balloon to speed mode I was curious that I could get to the finish line before the others do luckily I new a short cut so it only took me like 2 hours for my to get back someone was behind me it was Sam the finish line was right in front of me so I set the balloon to speed mode Sam was catching up with me but luck came to me and I wone the race hapily the 1000,0000 was all mine and I lived hapily in my river side mansion
ReplyDelete2017 May 7th
ReplyDeleteI just woke up and looked out of my window and saw an finishing and starting line,i became puzzled as i walked down stairs to have breakfast,Just then my Dad shouted "HONEY INFLATE MY HOTAIR BALLOON!!"After that i realized that Finishing and Starting line + Hotair Balloons with youtubers logos = The YouTubers balloon Race!!!.
To Be Continued
in 1999 there was a hot air balloon race i entered the comppotion it started on June 9 On the papar said it finishes at june the 13.The race begun some were able to survive the storm of doom we went through Florida the race was over then i won a prize to France.
ReplyDelete1999 13th july
ReplyDeleteAnd we're of. We're actually doing it. What lies ahead. I dont know. All I know is that we've started. We cant turn back now. Even if we got lost, we're supposed go around the world. Now i understand the phrase"There is no right or wrong" technicality there is no right or wrong in my situation. I never entered this race for the money unlike some of the other contestants. Im here for the experience.
1999 1 November
I think I just passed Newsealand
To be contiued