So Year 3 sharpen your pencils, Year 4 ready your quills, Year 5 dust off your bureau and Year 6 get ready to type. The challenge begins!

Harry Shepherd opened his eyes and gazed up at his bedroom ceiling. He crinkled his eyes up and yawned, then rubbed the sleep from them and sat on the edge of his bed. The previous evening his mum had opened the window slightly, letting a gentle breeze through. Mrs Shepherd knew that her son preferred it when the house was cool at night.
However, when Harry sat on the edge of his bed, his room was not cool: it was freezing! Harry shivered, pulling his Spiderman duvet over his bare legs. “What on Earth?” he muttered to himself. There was a gale blowing through his bedroom window. Thinking that it must be an extremely windy day, Harry walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a jumper. Pulling the jumper down over his head, Harry strolled over to the open window. He drew back the red curtains expecting to see the leaves blowing all over their garden. Maybe even the garden furniture had blown over like it had last time the weather was bad.
The sight that met Harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he had expected …
Now continue the story. Make sure you use a range of punctuation and try hard to make your writing interesting and believable. You might find it useful to think about the following questions:
What did Harry see what he looked out of the window?
How do you think he felt when he looked out?
Why might Harry not have realised what was happening sooner?
Of all the possessions you have in your house?
Which are the most important to you?
If you could afford to buy everything that you ever wanted, what would you buy?
Would buying all of these things mean that you were happy?
Harry don't like getting out of my bed
ReplyDeletebecause it's so tiredring I just want to go back to sleep
please can I just stay in my room I will come out of my
bed room I promise mummy . I think what will make me happy is
to see birds start to fly in the sky.
I love looking at the birds fly in the sky
all by there self.
He saw a world full of wonderfull birds bogs but the weird think was a house in the edge of a road he herd a sound coming from that house it was a scary sound it sounded like a shout Harry fought the owner of the house was scary so he went out of the house he was in and gently he knocked on the door and the man didn't open the door so harry went home to sleep he had enough from today's problem he was not happy at all he was scared of what could made that shout so he went back to sleep
ReplyDeleteRead the story opening again Nassim and look carefully at the picture. The house is floating in the air. There has been a gale (very strong winds) the night before. What does he see when he looks out of the window and how does he react?
DeleteAs he takes in the breathtaking view of the clouds and the sky. He was floating in the air! He loved it at first, until he looked down. 'I did NOT realise how high up I am!' This... Is...So...Scary.' He tried calling, but no one was home. He is all by himself, in the sky. 'Well, what do I do now?!' Suddenly, the house stopped floating. He was brought down, as quick as a flash, but not to Earth. He landed in a town that glowed as bright as the sun. He saw beings walk around, but never seeing their faces. Then, one of them spoke softly. 'A,are you okay?' 'I hope we haven't scared you. There is this competition where, if you win, you get to buy anything you want. For the rest of our immortal lives.' Immortal! What, when, how? Harry had so many questions but he didn't know how to ask them. The being left, her footsteps pitter-pattering. To be continued.
ReplyDeleteSuper start Fathia. Your story has left me with many questions. He has landed on another planet. What does it look like? Is it the similar or different to Earth? What do the people look and sound like? Can they speak English? What is the competition? Can't wait to find out more!
DeleteThere was a sign to his right, saying 'WELCOME TO NEUROSA!' So this world is called Neurosa. A strange name for strange people. He took a step forward, and the world filled with colour! There was reds, blues, pinks, purples, lilac, turquoise and any other colour you can think of! All of the people there had transformed into beautiful women and handsome men, and the sign had changed from Neurosa to Nirvana! This was a very lovely town, really, but you would never know. To be continued.
DeleteHarry went looking for his father in the basement observatory room, his Father said "Yes! Finally my invention of flying houses has worked!" Harry's mother said "JAMES I TOLD YOU TO STOP WITH THESE FOOLISH INVENTIONS NOW HOW ARE WE GOING TO BUY FOOD" Harry's parents had an argument for a while then calmed down to be continued...
ReplyDeleteWould you have an observatory in the basement Ellie. Now what happens? What does Harry see when he looks out of the window? Will the house land somewhere? Keep writing Ellie.
Deletemaybe the observatory microscope is pointing out from the bottom creating a bulb.
DeleteOH MY GOSH ARE HOUSE IS FLYING shouted Harry. harry zoomed to his mum mother mother the great big hurricane dad was talking about has hit are house and now were in the air what are we going to do. thet`s use dad`s time jump machine to go back in time and inform to everyone the hurricanes coming.ok said mr shepherd. i harry looked again outside we were stuck in the midlle of the pylons from there was a 12 feet jump so were going to the roof to time jump to stay at granddad and grandma`s house.
ReplyDeleteto be continued...
The furniture in the backyard somehow survived the wind."Hmm...maybe I was just exaggerating" he said to himself,but who knew as soon as he went back to bed something unexpected happened the furniture flew about and crashed.The next Saturday morning Harry said good morning to his parents and then he felt like to be continued...
ReplyDeleteDid the back yard really float off with the rest of the house? What did Harry think and say when he first realised his house was flying? Continue your story Jason.
DeleteHarry went to look out of t
ReplyDeletee house he saw loot of people out and say to he self what is James to be countiued
Harry was shocked because there were flying above the sky. He didn't know why they were flying, so he ran downstairs and his mum just noticed they were flying. Harry's dad woke up calmly because he thought that it was gonna be a normal day like always. Harry told his dad there were flying, but like always he didn't listen to fancy stuff like there is a bear attack or an alien in the building. Suddenly he took a peek out of the window and then he was shocked! Harry said"See I told you we were flying" His dad replied"But how!" with a shocked face. Then they smelled like something was burning Harry ran straight to the window he saw a volcano. Harry shouted"There is a volcano!" his mum came and saw the volcano too same as his dad. Harry said"We need to do something quick before we burn up!" his mum and dad replied"Grab that rope and twisted to the left!". To be continued.....
ReplyDeleteKeep going Guillermo.
DeleteHe saw that he was hovering flying. He quickly ran down stairs and told his mum but she didn't believe Harry. Harry had to do some think so he ran to the nearest window. To be continued...
ReplyDeleteHarry sore that there in front of him there was a massive,scary creature in front of him. Insted of it beging an fire breathing dragon it was this weird creature breathing something that look like it was breathing air! Under neath it has small little animals harry thought they looked kind of cute there was about ten all grabbing the creature harry new that he was going to find out what was standing next to him.Harry thought for an second he was thinking about the weird suff that was on the ground yesterday maybe that was linked into what he was seeing for an second Harry thought that he was day dreaming so he pinked be continued
ReplyDeleteWhen Harry looks out the window he saw white clouds he breathed and he felt amazing but when he took a look down he was frighted with horror.Harry shouted for help but he realized no one was home he was all by himself To be continued.
ReplyDeleteThe sight what Harry saw was literally heart breaking he looked to see him self in the middle of the road cars were zooming past him and beeping at him his little brother had already collapsed and the ambulance were there taking him and bringing him into an ambulance van.Harry was bare foot as soon as he stepped on the floor he could feel the glass cutting him in his be continued
ReplyDeleteIs this the same story Maliea? Harry has woken up, looked out of the window and saw ...
DeleteWhen Harry opened the window he had thought this was a dream so he rubbed his eyes then he went rushing to his dad in the dark creepy basement,his dad was holding some tools his dad was doing a evil laugh saying finally for all those years my dream came true TO BE CONTINUED...
ReplyDeleteIt was a beautiful day and there was butterfly's flying in the sky nice and hot but then suddenly Harry woke up from his bed and went to look out the window and... He screamed ' AAAAAAAHHHHHHH what is going on here ' he wasn't scared at first but after a while he got scared then started shouting but suddenly... TO BE CONTINUED!
ReplyDeleteAs he looks' out the window HARRY sees that he is fling up,up and away he fells' so wide that he is fling so he goes as fast as he can to get to his mum and dads room to be continued
ReplyDeletei was sleeping mum tried to wake me up but i would not lisen I just pull the dovay over my head and plug my ears with my fingers mum shouted there is a tornado coming for us then Harry heard mum rushed everyone out the house and grab our cloths to be continued
ReplyDelete"OMG" screamed Harry looking surprised out from the window. Harry was meditating what shall he do. "Man how did I get up there?" Thought Harry walking back and forth. He got an idea. He walked towards his shelf and climbed up. "Aha!" Up there where he contemplate there was a glass box. On the glass box it was saying. *IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS* and he memorized that it was there but it wasn't. He thought of taking the parachute from the box and be free. "Uh oh" verbalized Harry. He glanced on the top of the shelf and then got down. He walked to the bed and remain sitting there for a quarter an hour. He was so panicky that he obliterate what Harry's going to do. He was laying on the bed and slept there for 1 hour.
ReplyDeleteTO BE CONTINUED.........................
When he looked at his clock and it was Half Past 1pm. He was just doing nothing, sitting there worrying so much. All the objects that he had in his room was: A bed, 2 shelves, and his room. But not mentioning of his sharpened pencil which will damage someones skin so much. "Hmm......" Harry wandered towards the window and looked up out of the window. "Oh! I didn't know that there are rainbow coloured balloons on the roof!" surprisingly said Harry. Without mentioning his pocket pencil slingshot, which fires a pencil 50cm per second. Also without telling you, Harry had 3 deadly sharped pencils and 20 helium filled balloons. So he took his slingshot and aimed at a balloon behind 2 balloons. "Okay, So that is 20 - 3 which is 17." Said Harry like a mathematical pro. He shot the pencil "*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*" Went the balloons. "Yes! Jut 17 more colourful enemies." (Hehe I added like Harry was playing a virtual video game.) "Okay, So now I got 2 more ammo, or maybe I don't need to waste my ammo because every second I go 15.25mm. Well that will take long. Maybe I will shoot another one." Said Harry. And he did! He looked at 7 balloons going into a straight line. As quick as a flash he got another pencil and aimed perfectly and guess what. He gone -5.25mm faster which is 10mm. "Yes I got it!" Cheered Harry.
Harry was speechless as he looked down only to see a cloud blocking his view of his home city,Brixton. He couldn't believe in he was in the sky! Harry didn't seem to be sad in fact,he was hyped. " Wow I'm amazingly high. This is epic! I'm going to tell everyone I know. I am famous" Said the Brilliant boy but little did he know their was more to it than he expected. To Be Continued
ReplyDeleteGreat start David. Now what happens? Where will they land? What will happen next? Is he alone in the house? Continue your story.
DeleteHarry was a bit frozn and when Harry look,t aut the widow he was vere scend to be continued...
ReplyDeleteHarry noticed that he and his house were floating with balloons on his house and chimney.
While his siblings and parents we're sleeping he crept downstairs and opened the door they were in a great big storm .Leaves came rushing in ,dirt followed too ,flowers too now that was a nice surprise he poured water in the flower pot and put the soil and the flowers in too.he had a idea he would take his mothers knives and throw them
up to burst the balloons but what if they hit someone below exept from his sworn enemy JACK.
Harry was frozen, he was scared his heart was beating so fast that he was nearly going to have a heart attack he saw big blobs of snow falling down it looked cold he went looking for his parents in a sight of shock he heard his dad screaming so heard in no seconds harry went in the bed rooms but they still were not there harry shouted [where are you] he checked in the living room but they still was not there harry was really scared but then his dad said [COME ONE HARRY] harry was worried there was one place harry did not check the basement so he ran in a flash Harry was feeling cold wind was blowing him away a bit but he fought it away [TO BE CONTINUED]
ReplyDeleteGreat start Jada, now continue your story. Where will they land and what will happen next? Remember to use full stops when you write.
DeleteUmmm... Mum the house flying! "That's nice Henry also can you bye me some apples for my apple pie?" said Mrs hart ummm... mum that why i called you, i whanted to say that THE HOUSE IS FLYING!!! Oh ok then its probaly one of your Dads inventions.... Whait.. WHAT DID YOU SAY!!! said Mrs hart Now how am i sopose to get apples!!!!
"OH NO OH NO!" Worried Mrs Hart as she flew up higher and higher with her son "UMM...... Mum..?" said Henry "Aren't we floating because of a balloon..? "UMM... Why yes ,yes we are Son" Exclaimed Mrs Hart " Good, then that means we can change its direction!" "HOW ARE WE SO-POSE TO CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF THIS STUPID BALLOON!!!" Said Mrs Hart " All we have to do is POP IT , LOCK IT , TURN IT AROUND!" Said Henry "Umm.... I don't know what you mean" Said Mrs Hart As she scratched her head "MUM ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS POP THE BALLOON , LOCK IT DOWN TO THE ROOF , AND TURN IT AROUND WITH ROPE!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!!!" "Umm.. say that again" " UGGGGGH!!!" Just do what i do!" as he picked up a pin and walked up to the roof. As his mum began popping the balloon , Henry began to tie the edges of the balloon to the sids of the roof. "Ok mum all we have to do now is make a steering weel!" Said Henry As he walked off to the roof door "Ummm..... Son are you sour this is going to work? because if we don't get down we will die up here!!" Said Mrs hart sadly "Don't worry mum my video game skills will save the day, they all ways do!" as he walked off to get the wood,tape and some more rope. When he returned he managed to tie the rope to the weel tie,the weel to the floor. "Ok mum this is it!" Said Henry nerversely turned the house around "HA HA, MY INVENTION WORKED!!!" Screamed Henry as he flew down to the city. "UMMMM....... SON!!!" IF I WAS YOU I WOULD STOP!" "Don't Worry mum its o...AGGGGGGGH!!! MUM STOP THIS THING!!!!!!" As his mum tuck the weel the house began to shake "MUM I KNOW HOW TO STOP THIS!!!" As He quickly ran down stars to the kitchen, MUM MUM!!,HELP ME TIE THIS SUPER SUPER STRONG ROPE TO THE ANTENNA!!!!" he climed up the shaky wall, as they tied the rope to the antenna the speeding house became closer and closer to the empire state building "AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Mrs Hart, quickly she grabbed her son and puled back the weel, "Son before we die, i just whanted to say that THIS IS ALL YOUR FATHERS FAULT!!!, As they closed their eyes they heard a tremendous BANG!!!!!!!! as their house smashed on the ground.....
Delete"What happend?" said henry as he got out of his bed the next morning "was it all a bad dream?" quickly he ran up to the roof. and saw all the things he dremped was still on the roof.
"HA HA I KNEW IT WAS REAL!" as he walked down stars for breakfast
Mum!!!!!!!!!!the house is flying and were tied to a balloon.what shall we do?lets get out of this house,. Screaming his mum. They went outside all they could see was people getting smaller and every house was tied to a balloon Harry was fritened because his dad traveled to America
ReplyDeleteTo be continued...
Harry could not believe his eyes. His house was flying so he called his mum from his room. "Mum... the house is flying!" His mum came up to his room and checked his temperature and then she opened the window, but to her surprise she saw the house flying! She rushed to her room and called the emergency service. When they go there they tried to pull it down but it went up instead of down!!!
ReplyDeleteTo be continued...
Harry froze as he can not believe what he had seen his glasses cracked piece by piece on the window sill he was shocked that he was floating up in the sky.Clouds clumped together within him blocking his way.Harry was speechless he went running down the stairs "MUM TAKE A BIG LOOK AT THIS" shouted Harry to his shocked mother to be continued
ReplyDeleteIt was so terrifying so he began to call but he just remeberd That his mum was not in the house so I began to shout "help help my house flying" said Harry to be continiued
ReplyDeleteHenry was Astonished with the Random Animals that were flying in the air There was one purticular Animal that was really strange it would try get a grip on his window he was tempted to open it
ReplyDeleteHenry"What would happen if I did open the window for this wolf?"
Henry paused he saw the wolf doing puppy dog eyes
Henry"I wasn't A cat person anyway...."
He opened the Window now realising that it had 3 tails and Was Wounded
The Wolf cried"Oh thank goodness you can get of Now"
The Baby Cubs fell of the wolf howling
Henry was Astonished he was stuttering to speak
Henry"Are you a.......WereWolf?"
She froze.....She turned around
She turned into a beautiful teen with Silky purple hair
Red eyes and Wolf ears and a tail
As he was complaining The window knocked again
Nanashi"my bro we were in a war between Foxes And Legendery foxes as myself Both Fox and Wolf (but mostly wolf) I am in the fight too"
The Mefwa and Legendery fox barged into the room Screaming "SIS!"
Nanashi"Ok Wiki you go and claim you part of the house and Foxy"
Henry just Put a sign on his room saying "NO FURRYS ALOWED" and closed his door
Henry wants to play on minecraft he relizes that no Wifi.
Last we left of Are Friend Henry wanted to play mine craft but there was no Wifi
He looked out saw that everything was white then Henry looked back his cat was flying he imagen that it was going to be the apocolipse then he saw his lamptop he said OMG his roblox account lost it Internet everything was going wrong it like a nightmare then he heard samething was saying his name
ReplyDelete"Hello where this HOME"said the stranger
Then he hear meow and a wolf howl he look inside the cabourd when he opened it there was a cat person????and a wolf person ?
Henry was so tempted to ask where is this so he asked
They said "imagination world"
"WHAT"said Henry
"In this world enything can happen" said wolfi
"O sorry my name is wolfi and this is JJ cat"said wolfi
OMG this is a big chance of every thing I could get enything but I miss my home planet and I really miss the internet so what should I do in this world what could I imagine o ice cream
"O sorry again I read your mind sorry here you go ice cream and we have power and my sis has power too my second name is wiki"said wolfi
"So what else do you want"said JJ cat
"Internet"said Henry
"Sorry no , but do you want robux money "said JJ cat
"AAAA"same body screamed
There was a big dangerous unicorn he was shooting rainbow I thought it was cute but over screamed
"RUN the master is angry"said JJ cat
We ran
All there was left was one single rainbow
Then Foxy the human fox came and saved us from the unicorn killed him and said "you need to go the legendary moon
TO BE CONTINUED...................
ReplyDeleteHarry Shepherd opened his eyes and gazed up at his bedroom ceiling. He crinkled his eyes up and yawned, then rubbed the sleep from them and sat on the edge of his bed. The previous evening his mum had opened the window slightly, letting a gentle breeze through. Mrs Shepherd knew that her son preferred it when the house was cool at night
Harry Shepherd opened his eyes and gazed up at his bedroom ceiling. He crinkled his eyes up and yawned, then rubbed the sleep from them and sat on the edge of his bed. The previous evening his mum had opened the window slightly, letting a gentle breeze through. Mrs Shepherd knew that her son preferred it when the house was cool at night.
ReplyDeleteHowever, when Harry sat on the edge of his bed, his room was not cool: it was freezing! Harry shivered, pulling his Spiderman duvet over his bare legs. “What on Earth?” he muttered to himself. There was a gale blowing through his bedroom window. Thinking that it must be an extremely windy day, Harry walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a jumper. Pulling the jumper down over his head, Harry strolled over to the open window. He drew back the red curtains expecting to see the leaves blowing all over their garden. Maybe even the garden furniture had blown over like it had last time the weather was bad.
The sight that met Harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he had expected …
The house was flying! "Aah, what on earth is going on!"
It was very terrible that Harry didn't notice anything.
To be continued...
DeleteUnfortunately Harry had no idea what was it was, but it was really dangerous that Harry made a distruptive facial expression!
To be continued
Harry Shepherd opened his eyes and gazed up at his bedroom ceiling. He crinkled his eyes up and yawned, then rubbed the sleep from them and sat on the edge of his bed. The previous evening his mum had opened the window slightly, letting a gentle breeze through. Mrs Shepherd knew that her son preferred it when the house was cool at night.
ReplyDeleteHowever, when Harry sat on the edge of his bed, his room was not cool: it was freezing! Harry shivered, pulling his Spiderman duvet over his bare legs. “What on Earth?” he muttered to himself. There was a gale blowing through his bedroom window. Thinking that it must be an extremely windy day, Harry walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a jumper. Pulling the jumper down over his head, Harry strolled over to the open window. He drew back the red curtains expecting to see the leaves blowing all over their garden. Maybe even the garden furniture had blown over like it had last time the weather was bad.
The sight that met Harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he had expected …
The house was flying! "Aah, what on earth is going on!"
It was very terrible that Harry didn't notice anything.
To be continued...
What the.. what happened to the house why is it in floating"its probably your imagination" "WOW mum I don't imagine
ReplyDeletestuff anymore" TO BE CONTINUED
Harry was frozen he even thought for a moment his heart was frozen he could not even talk he was speach less he called MUM the house is flying Mrs hart Harry stop being so sill houses cant fly i am not being silly it is true MRS hart like the Boy cried wolf go to the Garden and play soccer or catch Harry but mum how can i play soccer if the garden is all the way down there do you want me to jump out and kill my self MUM come here Mrs hart no i am baking brownies would you like sprinkles with them Harry thought for a while MRS heart are you going to answer me Harry i would like blue sprinkles MRS hart ok honey to be continued
ReplyDeleteHarry was thinking how he could get the house down he never new how he was going to do it but he was getting less scared he started to like it he thought if he could leave the house flying but how will he see his friends or go to there birthday party because Tony's birthday was in 2 weeks mum still did not believe him he was starting to get upset he wished he could just jump out of the window and not get injured he had a tinggel in his feet he knew something was ready he smelt brownies his favourite as he was eating it in the binning room he was still thinking how to get the house down to be continued
DeleteHe licked the plate clean and washed it after he went to his room as he got to his room he saw his Diary sitting there he needed to write in it to say he is so confused Dad was in the attic Harry went to go check and ask him if he knew what was going on he heard heard noices and his father skream he saw red liquid leaking from the attic he loked inside and saw ... to be continued
DeleteThe sight that met Harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he had expected he saw the he was flying above his garden full of toys and garden furniture his heart dropped because he was scared of highs "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WERE AM I THIS ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY POSSIBLE IN MOVIES".Harry screamed with fear. To. Be. Continued..............
ReplyDeletewhen harry gazed out of the window he could not believe his eyes he was compleatly up in the sky he was DEVASTATED!he couldn't believe this was true he thought he was still dreaming so he thought if he blinked three times he would wake up but no way it was rely true this was not a dream to be continued
ReplyDeleteWhen he looked out the window and he was so shocked that his house was flying he was speechless.He was thinking very hard what he going to about this, he would not sleep he will think night and day!One day he told his mum he said " MUM THE HOUSE IS IN THE AIR " Mrs hart said "OK" just one OK she didn't say nothing else
He thought she didn't really know what was happening he didn't really want to stress out his mum .His mum was kind of old not to old he just wanted to try but he couldn't he was to high in the sky
harry did not believe what I saw with my eyes I quickly went down stairs to tell mum what I saw Harry said to Mrs hart his mum MUM THE HOUSE IS IN THE SKY said harry what dare you taking about my little child when harry told everything to his mum Mrs hart she couldn't believe it when she went to his room and looked out of the window in her sons room they fought they were doomed but then they saw I helicopter that went down there garden and they got down to England safely.
ReplyDeleteThe sight that met Harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he had expected …
ReplyDeleteHarry was afraid of heights and he was at the highest he could be, "MUUUUUUUM" Harry called out. No answer.... he called out again "MUUUUUUUM" Still no answer, he ran downstairs to his mums room, and she wasn't there. He was terrified, "if mums not home and i'm up in mid air that, means i'm dreaming." " Right.... Right.. RIGHT" He slapped himself over and over again, then he busted into tears and started to, scream... His mum was his only friend he had and she had cancer and so he never went to school. The government gave them at lot of money so Harry always would go to the shop and stock up on food so he thought that there would be a lot of food in the kitchen. But what he saw wasn't going to help him. The whole kitchen looked like a giant picked up the house and bit the kitchen out. And there was a missive bunch of air was coming in. It blew Harry away "UGHH" He screamed. And a "AHHHHHH" a "WOOOOOW" also a "OUCH". He finally got upstairs and he stopped and starred.
To be continued.....
I cant believe this why am I floating in the air. Henry go to the shop and get some fruits please said mum. MUM WE ARE FLOATING to be continued
ReplyDeleteThe sight that met Harry as he gazed out the window was absolutely astonishing he couldn't believe his eyes so he slid down the stairs which was a bumpy ride but when he got down the stairs he dashed into the living room and shouted''EVERYBODY LOOK OUT THE WINDOW.'' and so everybody did. They saw every thing Harry did then all said ''ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'' mum said to them all ''Why are we lifting off the ground.'' [to be continued]
ReplyDeletewhen I looked through the window I fainted.Then he got his phone and called his mum then his mum answered and said HENRY why you calling me you know I am at work and i not allowed to use my phone.Anyway are you ment to be at the market buying some thing so when I come back I can cook or fry it. MUM JUST LISTEN the house floating in the air.Henry you need to stop these silly and dumb cartoons like tiny pop.No I am serious the house is flying in the air oh it is probaly one of your dads inventions but dad died remember oh yeah my boss is coming gonna buy breakfast oh I know I will just CALL uncle Kevin he has a helicopter ummm whats his number agian now i know 07745689 ring ring to be continued
ReplyDeleteharry was seeing or dreaming that his house was floating because of the wind.harry was very surprise he was really shock. I never thought that air would make a house fly anyway harry was looking up on his ceiling he felt so cold he went down stairs to tell his mum and dad that their house was up in the clouds but his mum and dad didn't believe him but they did say that they felt a little cold so they thought that it could be true because of the cold and the wind but they could not have think such a foolish thing came true would it so they told his son to go upstairs so that is what he did after he went he was thinking something that could end him stopping this madness so he could rest after because he woke up early which made him tired so first he went downstairs. by the time he went downstairs his parents said harry stop telling us the the house is flying but harry said he wanted to eat his food. the dad just said ok so he ate his food after he did that he was ready to save his house so first he use a hose that he broke a long time ago to save his house more will come
ReplyDeleteHarry woked up from bed ready to open the window then.... harry said OMG the house is flying. um harry can you go to the shop mum said, but the house is flying. harry looked at the window agian he said wow that is so high OMG
ReplyDeletemum came she said how do you know that the house is flying then harry showed her the window mum said wow i have to
call dad.
As hi look down at his garden hi sore! Nu think but clouds and his garden but from a very hi up.Then the boy screamed in terror as hi ran down stairs to his mum. Hi said MUM AR HOUSE IS FLOATING IN MID AIR! to be cone tin you'd.
ReplyDeleteThen she said don't be silly. She wen to open the door and said.I don't see know clods he ran to the boor and said how he looked out since and said .To be cone tin you'd
DeleteWhat but how then his mum said are you feeling ok yes he said with a confused face
DeleteI do not believe what i have just saw in my own eyes. This can not be happening is this actually true on not .Mum look at were we are right now we are floating on the sky mum can you believe why are we here .Harry lok the mum said over there can you see a balloon get the sizes and cut the balloon.
ReplyDeletethe sight that made harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he expected as he was PANICKING in lighting he was TERRIFIED as the wind swishing by he froze as his heart STARTED to beat really fast so screamed and called MUM he was PAINTERLY waiting for his mum to see what was going to happen as he waited he just remembered mum comes home very late so he decided to drag his certain as if it was all set up so he went to get his favorite teddy and hugged him as if he was his mum as he hugged until a very lucky wish came upon his hand as if it was magic as he wished if mum could come home UNTIL..... TO BE CONTINUED
ReplyDeleteit came to a minute when harry was confused that if he was i n the air how could mum see him until harry thought of an idea and it was to shout his mums name so as he want to the mirror he saw his mum but as he turned around no one was there so he turned back to the mirror and had blood saying go up in the attic he was confused if he should do it or not but he was going to game it and was brave enough to go to the attic util....
Deletethe blood was leaking like juice as he stepped onto the door until he knew that it was just paint but he wondered how it got there because it was surely not his mum so he just went in and deeper and deeper till he heard the door slam and banged on the door and saw a balloon pop but he never saw a balloon there until so many TO BE CONTINUED
DeleteThe sight that met Harry as he gazed out of the window was certainly not what he had expected …
ReplyDeleteTo be continued
Harry opened his eyes and weak up and to be continued
Deletewhen harry looked out the window he felt like lightning was striked in to his beloved beating hart all he saw was some one in the distance he did not reconise the person until he herd honking he realised it was an shape shifting phico path clown that did not look frendly he had already had know that it was an clown beacause that clown had chased people and made harrys life turn into and deadly real lifelike nightmare. BUT THEN an red ballon had float up saying two things 1 was do not mess with penny wise or else...the second baloon said youl float too . pop the balloon whent harry ran like the flash but buy the time he got in his bed room his two brothers were trying to defend them selves from the clown aka it but in an flash harrys eyes were lite like figher works but the clown had an plan to.... TO BE CONTINUED
ReplyDeleteHarry gazed out at the clouds and and slowly turned around in with a terrified face and warned everyone in the house "DON'T GO OUTSIDE THE HOUSE IS FLYING!" his mum kindly said while cooking diner she exclaimed "oh Harry its probably just your imagination , why don't you come in for some diner you must be very hungry my dear" Harry was so terrified he went straight to his bedroom to sleep and forget everything that happened he heard the door unlocking he looked through the little opening of the door and he saw his dad about to go and meet is friend he dashed downstairs shouting "DADDY NO WE ARE UP THE CLOUDS!" the wind strongly blew away his dad he cryed " nooooooo"
ReplyDeleteto be continued
Harry begged his Father to bring them back to land and so did harry's mother. Harry's father didn't care he only wanted the money to change the inventing world. After a couple of days harry had been creating and emergency/escape hot balloon to escape his father and to rescue his mother from the clutches of emotional sadness. They got skinnier and weaker so they began to ration food.Harry's father forgot about his wife and son, he was to busy observing how high he could get in the sky. The more high they got the less oxygen they had to breathe. In the fridge there was some lettuce and cranberry sauce from last christmas.To be continued....
ReplyDeleteMum are house is flying that nice son please can you get some food for breakfast lunch and diner but mum how are we going to get down from the frunt door mum the shops are balow us
ReplyDeleteHarry wock up from his nap he won't id to play with his friends but the house was flying in the sky and one of his friends are flying is well they were torking on the phone saying are you thinking what I'm thinking yes both of are houses are flying son get some food from the shops mum the house is flying off how am I going to go to the store and to werk
ReplyDeleteHarry wock up from a great disruption as he wock up he walked to he's door NNnNNNN HE Is IN The SKY wheth all of he met slam the door srt to be counted
ReplyDeleteI think Harry woke up and went to get breakfast then he got dressed then he was about to walk out the door then he thought why is it so cold so he turned back to get his jacket so he got his jacket he was going to walk out then he sor he was floating so he started panicking and he's parents went out so he thought they would be panicking to so he picked up the phone to try and call his dad he wasn't answering so he called he's mum and she wasn't answering.
ReplyDeleteThe Harry Shepherd yawned and rubed the sleep from his eyes the garden furniture had Blown over like it had last time the weather was last time...To be continued.
ReplyDeletewhen I wake up in the morning I fell cold and my mum get upstairs my mum bring my jumper I close the windows and its stil frezing I look down and I see my house fliying
ReplyDeleteharry woke up from his long night and opens the certain to have sunlight but he could hardly see! the clouds was blocking the sun!all of a sudden he shouted "MUM THE HOUSE IS FLYING"
ReplyDeleteThe clowns plan was to read there fears in order to shape sift in to there worst night mare s so they would back of and so he could feed of there fears so he shaped shifed into an gient spider but harry new that the window behind him was open wide wide open and he spiders weaknes water but in sted he charged like an bull and bashed the clown out of the window THE END.
ReplyDeleteWhen he looked out of the window he sword lots of clods and a blue sky.Harry was so so terifid he said look mum
we are in the sky his mum said how are going to get down.Then they waited for a wail then they landid in
Harry shepherd, looked outside. And he saw the house floating, in the clouds.Harry shepherd might be surprised, because, he saw that he got taken away to the sky.I think whats gonna happen is the house is going to go to a different, country.I think is the house is going to go back to land.
ReplyDeleteHarry woke up and he went to look at his window and all he saw was clouds he gasped then he put his jumper on and went to his mum and said why can we only see clouds and not are garden his mum said I know isn't it brilliant were floating in the sky what harry said he ran to tell the rest of his family but they laughed because they did not believe him so he ran to every curtain and shut them and ran to his room and slammed his door he took a peek threw the curtains he was almost over the sun.
ReplyDeleteWow he gazed out at his bedroom window he was shocked. He rushed down to his family told them everything but they all lathed at him nobody believe a thing he said. Then he told them to have a look for them self but they all said no because they was thinking that he was not telling the truth. then he convinced them all to look then when they saw for them self they all were surprised then they all Apollo jived then they all were scared they all thought it all was going to go in the morning the next morning it got wers it went hiyer into the sky
ReplyDeleteAs he waked up he was surprise in the window whey is my house flouting that strange i dont now were Im Going he said.then Harry said i want my famalliey to be ok and he rushed down stairs to see his mother he was so happy to be counted
ReplyDeleteWhen Harry locked out of the window he saw that he was going up into the air and he saw the great blue sky shining in his eyes.His mum got woken up from the sun and they both locked out of the window. then they said both said at the same time why are we going up into the air.Then the boy said maybe we are going to see Jesus the boys mum said do not be silly Jesus is not real where did you get the word Jesus from you never say the word Jesus in this house.
ReplyDeleteI think he landed on london and he was scared because it was to hie so then hare opend the wendo and ran up sters then it got iven hiyer.then the dog got skerd and hided under the bed.the dog got even scerd.
ReplyDeleteI think that the hose will land at south amrica and then Harry will look out the windo and then wont know where he is
ReplyDeleteHarry wock up from a great dospens when he looct outy sidy he codant bleev his eyes he wondad if he was in china
ReplyDeleteore in perise
harry woke up then hislegs wear cold then he look at the window and coverrd his legs then he shoting hrrrrrrrh.. then shot mumy then she came to him then said what's is wrong then said look and said hrrrrrh and said bloon is making as fliing i to the sky then to the moon then we will be fliing and floting age and age and eye were red from looking dow;n
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD what I am doing in the sky I cant belivet what is happening today it an beliverble what a mes why is flowting my house I dont get this I think am going to stay up here or go to spain or mexico or america or africa or ecuador I dont know
ReplyDeleteWhen Harry looked out his window he saw that his house was flying in the sky he must of felt so scared that he was going to go into a different country.
ReplyDeleteI think Harry woke up from his nap. And said to him self why is it so freezing so he got out of bed and got his jumper and got back into bed he tryed to go back to go to sleep but he couldn't fall asleep so he got out of bed and went downstairs to turn the radiater on so he went downstairs and turnt it on. Then went back up stairs in to his warm cunfterball bed.He got into bed and pulled his spider-man doovay cover over him.And he thought why is he still so cold.So Harry went downstairs and said to his mum and dad i am going to the super market to buy some fruit there was no arnsear so he went back up stairs and looked in there room. They were sneasing and cofing. Harry said to them what happend to you they said we cought a cold. Harry said to him self i better get out of here before i catch the cold.I think Harry looked out the window in the end and he saw a eagle and a crow.I wonder if Harry felt sick when he looked out the window.I would buy Christmas presents and birthday presents for over people.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this?What Harry saw was a cloud but he thought it was marshmallow but then he thought. what was this peace of marshmallow been?Then he looked down what he saw he was devastated the house is flying then he called out MUM no answer then he called out DAD no answer they have all gone to the shops.
ReplyDeleteOnce opoce a time there was was a man who was homeless and people was rude to him and he never eaten before and he had to fors people to give him money and they didont listen to him and he was sad and then someone gave him lots of money and then they started life together then they became good friends lived forever happy and the then that became good and happy friends