Tuesday, 28 March 2017

KS2 Maths Challenge: No 3

Make up a story that fits the graph above.


  1. It could be how many minutes it takes for a builder to dig a hole at a building site.

  2. It could be how long it took to build a house.

    1. Look at the Y axis Aaliyah. Could this information really be about house building?

  3. This could be how many hours there are on a it would take to build a big mountain or a castle.

    1. But the Y axis shows depth in cm. What does depth mean?

  4. It could be about how long it took you to keep you head under water so for the first one she/he went under for five seconds and the on the side is about were she/he is.

  5. I think that if you drop a toy doune a mount everest. I think it will drop 50 fet

  6. KERMARLEY 4 BLUE12:06 pm, April 20, 2017

    On the beach a boy named kermarley was measureing 9 coconut trees the first one was 5 feet tall the second one was 20 feat tall the 3rd one was 30 feat tall and the 4th , 5th and sixth was 40 meters TALL seventh was 30 meters just like the 3rd one and ,8 was 40 and the last was 9 it was 20 feat tall now that he was finish measureing he wanted to add all of them up for a total 10+20+ 30 +40 + 40+ 40+ 30+40 +20=130.

  7. it gould be I mountain that someone is kliming.

    1. It shows depth in cm. Could this really be about climbing mountains and why not?

  8. I saw how big the swimming pool area was I searched on the Internet it was so long it took adout 10 minuets to get to .when I got in side it was was adout 12cm long I had a swim after I got out I got my self dry with my 1m towel it was so cosy and warm after I got dressed up back in my clothes I got back in to my car and drove all the way home from the swimming pool I had some warm coco whith marshmallows and whip cream in my best mug I then had my lunch it was so yummy and good I then watched my favourite channel on my 1 inch television after my show finished I desided to make a 1 inch red velvet cake for my friend for her birthday coming up tomorrow. To be continued

  9. it could be when a person setting of a rocket and it go to that directions because when you set a rocket up it go up and then fall down after a bit because when it go up or maybe it show when the rocket pop and the second show how long it took but i think it something about rockets or it could be when we put alker seltzer in the rocket it fly or it could be when a bird fly in the directions fall down a the end or it could be when you have a map and does not show no more were you have to go or it could show you to a beach were people are setting rocket so they could send people to help they people in the beach then people in the beach migth sell there rocket so they could be rich and live a happy life or maybe when they set rocket for there firework to show everybody it a new year everybody buy thing for sale or it could be when you go inside the rocket and fly off and see how far you went or maybe when you teach a person how to rocket and go far in it pop like fireworks.

  10. It could be about how high a frog jumps or the length of a human body
