Monday, 27 March 2017

Flying above expectations

Hill Mead's science week is themed all around flight and Year 5 have been busy planning and conducting their own experiment!

What science experiment have you planned?
What are you trying to find out?
How did you conduct your experiment?
What conclusions can you draw?


  1. We try to find out the amount of the air in the balloon or the different angles of the stringh

  2. i want to find out why mentoes explode on a coca cola what happens if i put in a different sweet in a different fizzy drink

  3. I like the science experement because you can experement more think like hou
    you can yous thinks fly and more thinks

  4. The science experiment I've planned is 'How far can a balloon rocket go?' I am trying to find out if the straighter the line farther it'll go or, the lower it is the farther it'll go.

  5. the first thing is to do is

  6. We were doing a balloon rocket experiment and i wanted to see the amount of air that can fit in the balloon.

  7. are year 5 plan for science
    first we 2 people holded the string me puted the straw in the string blowed the ballon tickted it on the straw and let go. then we mesured the distance if it did not work the first time we thought of cut the bendy part and it work. then we thought of changeing the size of the ballon ,or channgeing the angle of the string or one side of the string up and the over side down
    that did not work so well

  8. we tried an experiment with a balloon and we stuck the balloon to a straw and stuck the balloon to the straw. i found out that if the angle of the string is down towards up the balloon rocket would go a smaller distance to when the string would be straight.

  9. Table three in 5 Red have not yet planned are experiment but i'm thinking that we could try making a balloon float without a balloon air pump with ingredients that we have at school.

  10. We have been doing the Balloon rocket experiment. You will need tape, straw, balloons, string

  11. We experimented the string we kept on changing the angle of sting when the ballon was facing downwards it went further than when it was facing up wards.

  12. This experiment has been one of best ones because you could lift up things with just half bottle, bottle lid, string and paper
