Thursday, 10 November 2016

Shape multiplication

Each shape represents a number between 0 and 12. Each shape is a different number.

Can you match a shape to a number? Can you explain how you know for certain?

Have a look at what others have said, this might help you.


  1. square=2 triangle=6 rectangle=3 isosceles triangle=0 oval=4 semi-circle=8 circle=12 hexagon=10 6 sided star=5 8 sided star=9 numbers 7 and 11 are left

    1. Well done Reo for attempting the problem. So is Reo correct? How can you check?

    2. 2x2x2=8 Square x Square x Square = semi circle
      2x4=8 Square x oval = semi circle
      3x4=12 Rectangle x oval = circle
      3x2=6 Rectangle x Square = triangle
      6x2=12 triangle x Square = circle
      2x2=4 Square x Square = oval
      3x3=9 rectangle x rectangle = 8 side star
      2x5=10 square x sided star = hexagon
      3x0 but 0 is not an isosceles triangle
      Reo well done but remember an isosceles triangle has to have 3 sides but im not quite sure what you mean by 7 and 11 are left, can you explaion what you mean?

  2. square=2 = so if there is 3 squares what does it equal to and the answer you get would be the answer to the semicircle
    semicircle= 8 triangle =6 diamond= 1 the other star=9 oval=4
    hexagon=10 circle=12 5 sided star=5 isosceles=0 rectangle=3
    if you use this system then you would find the missing numbers under the shapes

    1. Super work Adeline. Can you explain a little more about how you worked these out? I can see that you used some answers to build up to work out others, but I'd love to hear how you did it!

  3. First we started with the square, we knew that it couldn't be over two because 3x3=9x3=27 and 27 is over 12 so it had to be two. Next we knew that if four times two = eight so the semi-circle must be eight. We thought if the triangle can be 0 semi-circle time triangle it must = 0,so we did the easy one first so the harder one we could find out.

    1. A logical approach to the question Selisa, good thinking. Did you find the solution for all the shapes?

    2. Yes Mrs Williams we did find all of the shapes.We had to work very hard,we checked all of our answers when we finally finished,I hope that everyone has a good go at it and you never know if might find the answer. Ks2 good luck!
      Have a go at it,can you solve the problem?

  4. Maybe you can look at how many sides the shapes have and then count your answer so rectangle plus rectangle equals star and the star has eight mini triangles.

  5. Maybe it is 2x2x2=8 2x4=8 3x4=12 3x2=6 6x2=12 2x2=4 2x5=10
    The square is 2 the rectangle is 3 the oval is 4 the star is 5 the triangle is 6 to be continued

  6. I really liked your answer ellie I think I will try that myself.

  7. I think it is: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 but that doesn't is made y first attention but I think I will try try the and calculate the rest but I think the first attention I done was good but I am not sure if it is right or not I think I have to double check it to see if it I s correct.

  8. The square is 2 so the semi-circle is 8 because 2x2=4 and 4x2=8 because you know the square is 2 and the semi-circle is 8 you will have to find out what times by 2 will make 8. So because i know what the square and the semi-circle is i now know what the oval is because 2x4 is 8. To be continued...

    1. the isosceles triangle is 0 because in the problem the other shape would of been the answer if the triangle was 1. The square has to be 3 because it cant be 1 or 2 because we have already used 2 and we have already used 4 it could be 5 but the purple star is 5 and the green star is 9 because 3x3 is 9. the hexagon is 10 because 5x2 is 10 (square times purple star)

  9. I think the yellow diamond is 1 because when it was times by the rectangle the answer was the rectangle.Anything that is times 1 is itself.

  10. I think the yellow diamond is 1 because when it was times by the rectangle the answer was the rectangle.Anything that is times 1 is itself.

  11. We think that the triangle represents 0 and the diamond represents 1 .

  12. The triangle is 0 and the square is 2 and the diamond is 1 and the oval is 4 and the half oval is 8

  13. I think that the triangle is 6 because 3 times 2 is 6.
