I really enjoyed this book as it is set against the majestic landscape of early-twentieth-century Africa, the tale reveals the extraordinary adventures of a woman before her time. Beryl Markham was one of the first females to get her B license for flying and she pioneered a new form of safari where she went up in the air to scout for animals and told the safari jeeps where to go to see them. In this book I learnt a lot about Kenyan traditions. Beryl was brought up on an estate with the native Kipsigis tribe and through the story you also see the journey of a young boy in the tribe as he becomes a man.
Have you learned about other cultures from a book? What have you learned?
From the book the other side of the truth I learnt that Nigerian police have to make people pay if they fail to listen to the rules they tell them.
ReplyDeleteThe German army was led by a man called Adolf Hitler. I read about him in a book called War games.
The other side of the truth
ReplyDeleteIn this book what happen was that their was two Nigerian children: a girl who was called Shade and a boy called Femi.The children were getting ready to go to school in Nigeria when something terrible happened. As the chidlren were looking for their school things they heard this big gun shot.It didn't really sound like one it sounded like one of the army tank which shoots big bullets.Shade and Femi rushed outside to check what was going on suddenly they saw ma ma lying on the floor soaking wet with blood. When they both saw her they felt lost. They thought that they were dreaming but they weren't their eyes was open. I won't give anymore away! You should read the book yourself.
I've learned about the African culture as well from the book the other side of truth . Every time i read it i see the African landscape in my head. I learnt that there was a war in Nigeria in the 19 hundreds.
ReplyDeleteWhat I learnt is that in the other side of truth you should never make fake passports and never abuse your own country that's why Mama got killed cause of Papa
ReplyDeleteI learned about a book call The other side of the truth;its about freedon and justice of a girl name femi and a boy named sade , the 2 children have different problems in there lifes for example femi and sades mum died.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book is Diary of a wimpy kid because it kind of relates to my actual life.
ReplyDeleteAlso Alex Rider because it's full of action and he has to take risks.
I learned about a book call Mr Stink;its about a homeless man that lives in the streets and a girl called Chloe help him and help cHLOE so she could be brave
ReplyDeleteI love to read books one of my favourite books are THE other side of truth
ReplyDeleteIt is based in Nigeria and England and it is about these two children Sade and Femi who come into England under (FAKE PASSPORT!!!!) the reason they had to move away from Nigeria is because their family was in danger some people just killed their mother for no reason. Read the book and find out more.
that is a very interesting review of the other side of truth I am definitely going to read the ending
DeleteEvery book has its culture and style of writing. Books such as Manga are a type of book from a Japanese cultured writing ; and books such as Manga are also read differently. these style of writing show the cultures of different countries.
ReplyDeleteLast term i learnt about a book by Beverly naidoo called the other side of true, i learnt that the culture in Nigeria is much different to England as in Nigeria its disrespectful to call someone older than you by there name, as in the book Jenny (Sade and Femi social worker) introduced her self with her first name but Sade and Femi were embarrassed to call her by her first name.So they called her aunty instead so the other side of truth taught me a lot about Nigerian culture.
ReplyDeleteThe book that I have been reading recently is Shola and the lions and I think it is quite sad because Shola cannot accept himself/herself.
ReplyDeleteCurrently, I am reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Double Down.This book is about American culture, what happens in the story is the the main character, Greg Heffley, Writes about his life in Middle School in the book it shows you how school works in America.
ReplyDeleteThe book I am reading recently is Wonder by RJ Palacio. It is about a boy named August and he has an illness and he is just starting school. He does not know how it will turn out.
ReplyDeleteI cannot really recall much about cultures, however one of my favorite books is billionaire boy and fantastic Mr fox. I like this book because billionaire boy is about a rick boy how has everything you would want then he went to this school with a boy as fat as him so he gave him a £50 note so he can't lose.
ReplyDeleteI have not read about much culture in a book, how ever i do have a favorite book called Matilda written by Rould Daul. I'm sure you would like to know what is it about well i think i would tell you what it is about, it is about a young girl called matilda wormword and she has a mother and father called Mr and Mrs Wormword. Matildas mother and father wasnt quite fond on her and thought she was a little twit and she always got in their way. well what i have read up to is that maltida had gone to school and she had a very vicious headmistress called miss trunchbull and i know you would like to know more but that is all i have read up to in the book of matilda.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book is 'The kidnappers, because I like the part when the little girl locks the kidnappers in the room and she calls the police, then the kidnappers break open the door and they start to run after her. I like this part because it is interesting and creates suspense.
ReplyDeleteI love reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down and Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Old School because it is really enjoyable to read because it talks about Greg's life and tells us about every problem.
ReplyDeleteI learnt from Journey To JO'BURG that the South African's had an apartheid. This meant that the British were treated differently to the African's. The culture was that the children lived away from their parents this was due to that the British people were the owners and masters.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book is Charlie and the glass elevator because Mr Willywonka put charlies family into the glass elevator and the family thought they were in danger. However Charlies grandma put them in real danger by not letting Mr Willywonka press the green button, so they could get back on land, because of this they went really high straight into orbit and could not breath, because there is no oxygen. Mr Willywonka put on the oxygen button to save them and they still thought he was CRAZY.Even charlie thought Mr willywonka was a little mad, and they are very good friends. However it goes to show that sometimes your friend can be a crazy, like Mr Wonka but Charlie still trusted his judgement and the family got saved.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book is 'Gangster Granny' because I like it when her neighbor calls the police, when granny comes back from Buckingham palace with the trolley, and the police searched the trolley and only finds spinach soup and other tinned foods. Also i like the way how it turns out that the spinach soup is all the stuff they need to rob the Queens crown. I like when the Queen dances on the telly and its the exact moves Gangster Granny's grandson was doing.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book is Diary Of A Wimpy Kid(Hard Luck).This is my favorite book because it's very funny and the author is Jeff Kinney who is known for making funny books.The story is about a boy called Gregory(Greg for short)he has has been going through a hard time as his best friend(Rowley)is now not his best friend . He is recently been hanging out with someone else. This is quite sad but later on it turns out to be hilarious.
Read the book to find out what happens next.
My favorite book is Hansel and Gretel, I think is a very good story because it teaches us to not go to places you don't know without supervision. I also like Little Red Riding Hood because, it teaches us not to talk to strangers.
my favourite book is called Lola rose, because it is about this girl and her mum and brother that go to London, to spend there 10 thousand pound lottery money, and are on the run from there dad who keeps on hitting them.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favourite books is The Other Side Of Truth. It`s based in Nigeria, about two young children who leave the country and come down to England with fake passports. They had to leave the country because a Gunmen had killed their mother.
ReplyDeleteBooks such as journey to jo'burg help you to understand the life what some African children have been through . Like Nana said every book has it's culture and it's own style of writing. This is one of the books that help me unwind from a long day.
ReplyDeleteI love to read The Other Side Of truth. It's about two children that called Sade and Femi and they have to go to London so they can be safe. Will Sade and Femi ever be safe? This is set in Nigeria and London.
ReplyDeleteI learn from the other side of truth in arifca if a peson is older then your mum you don't call them auntie or uncly you call them something else
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book is the other side of true because it'S very interesting, but my favourite bit is when they went to London because when there Mama died and wasn't safe in Lagos.
ReplyDeleteFrom reading The Other Side Of Truth I learnt that in Nigeria the government sends his assistants to go and kill u if you write a letter that is offensive to him.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book is Danny he world champion of the world this book awoke and cemented my self-awareness. I remember thinkingoing,'I'm like Danny.I want to connect and bond wih my mum in this way. I want her to teach and guide me.' It felt very personal,this tale. And melancholy because it made me reflect on my own situation. Which wasn't like this.
ReplyDeleteOne book that intrested me was a book called indian wars because it was about portraits of war in India and what it was like to actually be there and go through all of that, the book described it similar to being really determined.
ReplyDeleteIn the book Journey to Jo'Burg I've learnt to never give up in an impossible situation. Thorough all the trouble neladi and tiro have gone through they've now made it to their mother.
ReplyDeleteI like this book call chuckle bob because this monkey who was in the pet shop till one day he escape and went to the forest and these two kids see him.
ReplyDeletemy favourite book is kidnapper because I think it is a good book because it is like the book is giving you an advice like if someone kidnapped you would do the same thing what the girl in the book done she
ReplyDeletehad put the bubble gum in side the lock and jam a pencil Init so if the kidnappers have a spare key they can't get out of the room and I liked the end of the story because her dad cook her favourite food for her so she could feel happy.
The name of the book is called hostage by Malorie Blackman
DeleteI really like your book Lopez I found it very engaging and I am sure miss Williams or some of other teacher should love to read this peace of writing.
ReplyDeletemy second favourite book is Tracy backer by Jacqueline Wilson because it has a lots of action in it
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book is Anansi the spider man because they have morals in it like you should never be greedy and selfish and another thing why because it is funny.
ReplyDeleteMy second favourite story is clover moon by Jaqueline Wilson and I really like the book because it has lots of action in CLOVER MOON AND ALL THE BOOK.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book is war horse as it's really interesting and it has a good moral and also good characters.