Sunday 15 January 2017

Will's wise words

Carefully search online for quotes from William Shakespeare's plays, poems or sonnets. 
Choose one that inspires you, then tell us why.


  1. I will pick Romeo and Juliet because it is one of his top plays what he has did and almost everyone likes it.

    1. I Aggre With Loulee I Have Not Seen Any Other One Or Even Romeo And Juliet But I Think It's The Best.

  2. 'To do a great right, do a little wrong.' This quote is from Macbeth and it inspires me most because it's saying that you've got to make mistakes to get the right answer.

    1. Great! There are hundreds of inspiring and thought provoking quotes from Shakespeare. Find another and blog it Fathia.

  3. My favourite quote is knock knock who's there, by William Shakespeare. Because it's used for jokes then and now because it's a joke so people will use it as a joke.

  4. If Music be The food of love Play on. I like this one because it sounds. Really nice and it rhymes a little but I do not really know what it means.

    1. Think about it Esther, have a chat to your friends. The meaning may be obvious.

  5. When words fail music speaks,that's important because if u fail you try again and i like it it inspires me.

    1. This is a tricky one Aaliyah. Most people agree that it was actually Hans Christian Andersen, the Danish author, who wrote this in his book What The Moon Saw. He wrote: 'when words fail, sounds can often speak'. This is not about never giving up though. Think again ...

  6. The bard of Avon because one of top ten poems and I like because it because the name says like fight books and wars in the olden days and it is one of the most famous peons to be contained

  7. My favourite Quote by William Shakespeare is " You say you love animals but you eat the, you say you love the rain but you get sick from it , and now I'm scared because I don't know if you really love me".

    1. What does this quote mean Ellie and which play does it come from?

    2. It means that the person you love may be a liar so watch out! It is actually from Bob Marley not Shakespeare.

    3. Now find me an inspirational quote from Shakespeare Ellie.

    4. Uneasy lies a head that wears a crown. This is quote is from the king Henry IV play, it means that a person such as a King has great responsibilities but is constantly worried and therefore doesn't sleep soundly.

  8. To be,or not to be that is the question I love this quote because there are some words that make me feel happy and enjoy full

  9. My favourite Quote is " Words are easy like the wind but faithful friends are hard to find". I like it because it sounds so true because it is true.

    1. Why is it true Ellie? You have to explain properly.

    2. Because it is hard to find trustworthy friends

  10. Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them
    I like this quote because it shows that everyone can be great in their own way.

    1. Are you sure it means that Ruqayya?

    2. Maybe it means everyone has greatness somewhere inside them not in their own way.

  11. Romeo and Juliet is my favourite play what William Shakespeare has did because it is a nice quiet play and it's romantic play

    1. Try and find a -quote from the play that you like Makayla.

  12. 'Don't waste your love on somebody who doesn't value it'
    'Do not swear by the moon for it changes constantly then your love will also change'
    Romeo and Juliet

    1. Elizabeth, where do these quotes come from, what play or poem? Why do they mean something to you?

    2. I chose that quote from Romeo and Juliet because it really motivated me and got me thinking and I think that is a rule I'm going to live by and when I first read it in my head I was asking myself 'Is this wise enough for you and is it a quote you want to live by forever ?'.Another reason why I chose the quote is because I love the play Rome on andJuliet and in my opinion it is the best play William Shakespeare ever wrote.

    3. Elizabeth, what do you think Shakespeare means when he says: 'Do not swear by the moon for it changes constantly'?

  13. My favourite quote is " What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell sweet." I like this quote because it describes me a little bit.

  14. I think when Shakespeare said do not swear by the moon for it changes constantly he meant that don't put your faith in something that isn't permanent. I think this because if you do it will let you down

    1. I agree Elizabeth and remembering that the play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, why do you think Shakespeare used these words?

    2. I think Shakespeare used these words because he was trying to say that why should you give your heart to somebody who isn't ready to keep it permanently. I think that young girls should know this, so that when they're older they'll have advice and know what to do if they ever end up in a dramatic situation.

    3. Now find another quote Elizabeth that has a different theme or meaning.

  15. I like that says what is a name? That wich we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Because it tells the proson how lovely their name is like it is sweet as a rose and it sounds very nice.

  16. We know what we are,but know not what we may be.

    Be not afraid of greatness:some are born great,some achieve greatness,thrust upon them.
    To thine own self be true, and it must follow,as the night the day thou canst not then be false to any man.

    These quotes inspire me because it sounds very powerful.

  17. Breathe it's just a bad day,not a bad life.
    This inspires because some people say that they are having the worst day of their lives.
    You say that you love rain,
    But you open your umbrella when it rains.
    You say that you love the sun,
    But you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
    You say that you love wind,
    But you close your windows when wind blows.
    This is why I am afraid,you say that you love me too.
    This is true and that's why it inspires me

    1. What do you think it means Joel and where did you get the quote from?

    2. i got it from William shakespere and I think it means that you shouldn't lie and test it

  18. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. I like this one because it is telling you to love everyone and be kind and it inspires me to be kind to others and do wrong to none everyone should do this William shakespear is a great man because his words are so inspiring.

  19. “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

    This means that it shouldn’t matter what a person looks like, you love them for their personality and what’s inside. The quote is said in jealousy, in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by Helena because Demetrius thinks that Hermia is more beautiful than Helena and has been swayed by her beauty. Helena thinks that Demetrius should love her for who she is and keep his promises to her rather than loving Hermia for her beauty.

  20. I like Romeo and Juliet because it was love story and Romeo and Juliet aren't like there parents and he probably made it for his wife

  21. Romeo and Juliet because it was more popular in the Tudor times
