Monday, 25 September 2017

Medical Marvels: Part 1

Image result for Mary seacole
Florence Nightingale played a very influential role for the development of medicine and how we treat people who are sick.

Write a paragraph discussing what you know about her.

Why is she so important? 
What did she do that was so special? 
Do you know any other interesting facts about her? 


  1. she is important because she does stuff like medicine also what is special about her is that she help people look after people because she helps people with her medicine

  2. Florence Nightingale she helped people that was noked down to help the stand again. The other intresting fact is that she was a great person and she took care of who was needing her and sick people needed her too. she also was great at scouring people and she always was there for others. then she was so popular because that she helped every one she could help and she dose every thing she can do. She always look after her paeshants.

  3. Florence nightinggale was born into a upper-rich second class family, she was born in Florence Italy after being born there she was given the name of her birth city.Before her sisters, the first born Frances nighting gale was born in Paris and the second daughter was born in the Naples in Greece.

  4. florence nightingale was a trained nursing team and helped Mary seacole whith solders with the war

  5. In know that florence nightingale was a nurse and that she helped people in the crimean war and she changed everything in the hospital to make people feel better

  6. Florence Nightingale was nurse and she went to the millitary and changed the food

  7. Florence Nightingale went to the Crimean war at the hospital Florence made it better because before there were rats,everything was ripped apart she made it a better place.

  8. florencenightengirl was important because she help in the crimeamwar looking after people and she was born in florence in italy and she changed the hospital she cleant it and clean the drains and stopted the rats from coming

  9. florance nintigle was rased by a ritch family but mary secole didint go coledge like florance

  10. florence was a wealthy women and well trained

  11. she was born with very wealthy family
    and she was realy lucky to have a
    wealthy family. she was lucky (:

  12. mary went to the crimean war to help solierd

  13. Florence nightingale helped people during the Spain war and when she came back from war she was famous for helping solders

  14. Lucien year 4 blue1:58 pm, September 28, 2017

    florence is important because she was the one to clean the hospitals because before they were dirty and the people at the hospital were getting sick because of all the rats and bacteria in the hospital.the thing she did that was special was that she was the main nurse in the war. florence sailed to turky to give people treatment.

  15. i know about florance nintingale that her famaly did not want her to be a nurse because they thougt it wasnt a nice job to have because there was too much blood there thats why they didnt want her to be a nurse

  16. i know about florance nintingale that her famaly did not want her to be a nurse because they thougt it wasnt a nice job to have because there was too much blood there thats why they didnt want her to be a nurse

  17. florance nightingale helped soliders in the crimean war and got famous and Mary seacole also helped in the crimean war aswell but didn't get any credict

  18. Because her family were wealth and her dad was a teacher.She help in the Crimean war and help people in the war.She got lot of credit then marry seacole.

  19. Florence nightingales family was wealthy because her dad was a teacher.He taught her things that girls usally learn.Florence Nightingale also helped the soldiers in the Crimean war just like Mary seacole.But she got the credit because of her skin colour.

  20. Why florence nightigale is important because she is a founder of modern nursing.She came to prominence while serving as a manager of nurses trained by her during the crimean war.What she did is so special that she helped sick and injured solders after the crimean war.Florence nightingale parents diden't wanted florence to become a nurse and florence nightigale family is very rich.

  21. If she Wasent there no one who'd get better.
    She helped people whenever they nided help.
